So I decided to share some of my negative expriences as a cheerleader, my dad is a consultant and we end up having to move around a lot. It was my second year of doing cheer and I was sort of just settling into the sport thinking that I finaly found true friends in that area. My team was an encredibly close team, we did pretty much everything together. When my dad said we had to move, the first thing that came to mind was cheer, I made encridble friends and I thought I finaly belonged somewhere. Leaving my team was probably one of the hardest things I had to do. I hoped that I would have the same connection with my new team in the new gym, but sadly I didn't. The team I joined was honestly a great team, we even placed 4th at the european championships, but we practicaly hated eachother. All I can remember is that in training everybody was being bitchy to eachother and a lot of the girls thought they were better than everybody else. I remember having to learn a new position in 2 weeks and having to relearn everything, and my flyer ended up screaming at me and telling me that I sucked and couldn't do anything. That night I cried when I got home from practice. My coaches were the nicest people ever and I was able to talk to them about it, but they still didn't kick the girl of the team like I hoped for. After the season I was placed on the same team again, this time with a few new girls including my little sister, but that year was even worst, at least the year before we would win. This time we just completly fell apart, two of the traininers stoped training the team and we only had 1 real trainer and two girls from the senior 6 team who wanted to try out training us. This year I am on a completly diffrent team with completly other girls and mybe 4 or 5 from the old team and all I can say, is that I notice the huge diffrence in the work ethic and I feel like I am part of a team again.