A running commentary of things I don't understand while watching the show:
1. AN INVITATION TO THE US FINALS!? That is probably the easiest thing to do. So, probably a decent goal for this team.
2. What kind of coach/owner allows parents to sit that closely to the mat let alone coach their child. Especially with that youth age, having parents there is the worst thing you can do probably.
3. Ann and Torann remind me of a specific mother-daughter pair I know. And if you can't relate, you're lying.
4. Since when is the ATHLETE lockerroom the parent's office? Meetings with their kids, yelling at eachother.. why don't they just move the parent chairs in there and put cubbies next to the mats?
5. What coach teaches a parent how to spot tumbling? Irresponsible on so many levels. If that kid gets hurt it is asking for a lawsuit.
6. "It's way more than just a backhandspring" but that's the only thing that this team really does well....
7. How did they just not burn a CD? An iPhone is not a reliable source.. What if you get a text during the performance. The few times my coaches HAD to do that at practice it messed up the music/routine. And every time I ever competed, my coaches had at least two CDs.. if not more.
8. I love how the mothers act like they are coaches/judges. Y'all truly are experts.
Overall, I actually really like RD but I'm not a fan of Alicia. RD seems like a genuinely good coach.