Okay I'm actually making a list now
- Girls who are consistently missing from practice. Over the summer, one girl was missing so long I thought she wasn't on the team anymore!
- Parents who try and coach the team. Enough said.
- People bringing their outside drama into the gym.
- At tumbling, when younger girls run around and don't take it seriously. I can't tell you how many times I've almost hit little girls because they just run around.. and they wonder why they are get yelled at.
- Girls who try to suck up to the older girls at the gym on their HS team in hopes that it will help them get on Varsity as a freshmen.. This is allstars not school.
- Kids trying to coach the team if our coach is late/busy/whatever
- "I like my coach from last year better.. she was my coach for 3 years and now I just don't like my new coach's style of coaching"
- Flyers who wear clothes that are SO hard to stunt with (slippery, baggy, ect)
- Flyers who don't think they're the reason the stunt isn't hitting when it really is them
- Crying at practice. I get if you have a reason but too much is enough.
- Showing up really late at competitions without calling or texting a coach. (Hey, as you were sitting in your car with your phone in your hand, we were scrambling trying to find someone to replace you!)
I could go on FOREVERR