I purchased the Evolution and Defiance, I noticed my daughter at first did mot complain about the Evolution sneaker until after getting the Defiance(absolutely love), she loves the narrower fit, which she says, they fit like a glove, she regularly wears a size 7.5 shoe, but she is a 9.5 size in nfinities, so they size small... However, my daughter main complaint with the Evolution are they feel on different surfaces and says the Evolution hurts on concrete... She had the Last Pass sneakers 2 years ago, which were required competition sneakers at her old gym and they seemed to fit really wide on her feet and probably fit better on someone with normal or wider foot sizes but they provided more padding in the sole area, so they felt good on all surfaces..JMO
PS: I always wondered, when we are watching competitions and sneakers go flying off the cheerleaders, what brand of sneakers most comes off the athletes' feet while performing?