I really, really wanted to leave this alone, but just can't because that last statement truly bothers me.
Let's forget about the book altogether, the fact is underage drinking, drugging and sex with coaches is a FACT in this industry. Why is it that so many people are willing to let it be swept under the rug? Is it because it isn't your kid, or your gym or your athlete or your coach? Why can't there just be a discussion on this issue and what can be done about it?
I seriously doubt anyone would think it was ok if it was a teacher or school coach taking athletes or students to their homes and partying with them, so why is it ok because it is outside of a school setting. Why are statements like "teens will be teens" or some such thing even tolerated?
Why ever would you believe that the media would not be interested in this? Believe it or not there are journalists that do nothing but stories on kids/teens doing______ (pick your story).
I mean seriously, there were helicopters circling a family resort where the largest cheerleading competition was held. One covered by ESPN no less! Do you really think that there isn't any media out there that wouldn't like to hear more and see pictures and video of illegal/inappropriate behavior? How would your behavior change as a gym owner or a coach or an athlete if you thought that there was even a remote possibility that there were people walking around with hidden video camera's at different cheer events?
Forget the book, what are you as gym owners/coaches and parents going to do about this problem? Or is it just easier to pretend it doesn't exist?
We deal with situations that arise in our own gyms. I'm not going to get involved with a gym in New York that I heard had a few kids partying with a coach. That's not even plausible or effective. It doesn't exist at my gym. Our coaches aren't partying or hooking up with the kids, so it's a moot subject for us and we can't do anything about the gym in BFE Alabama that isn't doing enough to stop it at their gym. That's why everyone is frustrated with your generalized outrage. It's misplaced. If it's illegal, and it's happening at your gym or somewhere around you, call the police, and they'll deal with it accordingly. If the gym owner doesn't have a problem with it then say what you want to say using the appropriate channels, and don't become a paying customer.
PS--Not sure why this is embedded into your original comment.