Hey Ashley and anyone else who happens to participate on this board. ...It's been a while since you posted your original question regarding CheerBandz. My name is Shane Pennington (
@j_spennington) and I happen to be the Founder of CheerBandz. I've just been introduced to this forum and low and behold, I stumble upon a discussion about my product.
In reading the thread, it seems that there are many misconceptions of what CheerBandz is and the value of our product.
For anyone reading this post...Come on guys and gals, do you really think I'd price a package of rubber bandz at just under $50. No way! The value of CheerBandz is in the instructional videos that come with our latex free synthetic rubber bandz (which is different than the office supplies that some are using).
We brought in the videographer who shot P90x to shoot our video series. Our videos are revolutionizing the way that cheer athletes prepare their bodies. How? Because CheerBandz instructional videos give the athlete simple instruction that allows them to prepare their bodies at home...for the skills that coaches are attempting to verbally teach in the gym.
Let me ask you this...As a coach have you ever repeated yourself and said things like "push your hips forward" over and over and over again...until you don't think the athlete is listening to you. What CheerBandz does is puts that verbal coaching with a physical workout that allows the athlete to "feel" what you are begging them to do.
We offer all 5 Tumble level development kits and a jump kit (which shows real time improvement).
One more question...As a coach, how much do you charge for a one time, one hour private lesson? And when the athlete leaves...what did they leave with.
We set our price/kit to be in line with what an athlete is charged for one hour of your time. Our workouts can be done whenever, wherever and as often as they want to work out. Seems like a no brainer to me and it shocks me that anyone would question the price unless they have absolutely no idea of what our philosophy and product consists of.
So...There is no magic in the bandz (even if you are at Disney). The magic is in the instruction that we provide with our bandz.
For gym owners and coaches, we offer CheerBandz certification clinics, athlete clinics, gym bandz, and a nice 20% rebate back to the gym when it promotes the use of our product for home development. What? That's right...We help develop your athletes and pay you to allow us to do it.
Hopefully, I've answered some questions you may have and given you reason to contact us at
[email protected] to get your clinic and/or gym promotion scheduled.