OT Cheerleader suspended for Facebook photo

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Well...IMO, that's fair. At the beginning of every season, we have to sign an athletic agreement that says anything that appears to be a use of illegal substances would result in removal or suspension from any athletic team/school sponsored activity. If she agreed to a similar thing at the beginning of the season (which it seems she did), then I think the parents are in the wrong here...
while i understand the school's reasoning, i feel it's a little unfair that they still suspended her even after hearing the parent's side of it. it's not like she was drinking at some highschool party. she was at a family event and her parents said the beer was not hers. but then again, she should be more careful about what is posted on facebook.
The first thing I saw when I opened that was "Shark Attack" ... is this a CEA small senior sign?!
These parents are back peddling big time. Who has a deputy sheriff on duty for a wedding? High schools routinely have officers attend school dances, in our town the kids are given a Breathalyzer for entrance to the dances and prom.
Here's the deal, most high school student handbooks have something regarding illegal substances. That includes if you're seen HOLDING it (and not ingesting it). The school is probably following their handbook to the letter. Their attorneys wouldn't let them pursue it if they weren't sure they weren't in the right.
I agree i think its completely acceptable that she was punished, if she did not sign any agreement with her team then the school most likely had an agreement about alcohol. It seems to me that people should always just watch what they post on the internet, once something is online it is there forever and in this case there are consequences
I mean I feel bad that she got in trouble for something she really may not have been doing, but you have to be smart about what gets put on facebook. Its a picture, nobody see's the whole entire true story.
These parents are back peddling big time. Who has a deputy sheriff on duty for a wedding? High schools routinely have officers attend school dances, in our town the kids are given a Breathalyzer for entrance to the dances and prom.
Here's the deal, most high school student handbooks have something regarding illegal substances. That includes if you're seen HOLDING it (and not ingesting it). The school is probably following their handbook to the letter. Their attorneys wouldn't let them pursue it if they weren't sure they weren't in the right.

I know here certain venues wont allow you to rent it if you have alcohol unless there is an officer on duty.
I think the school took it too far. There is no proof that she drank a beer, and unless there's clear photos of her holding one I'd be pissed if I was a parent/her too. I think a warning would have been sufficient punishment in this situation. They are just nit picking if you ask me. She must not be liked by someone though. I mean, who would honestly take the time to write out a letter and send a picture to the school of a girl with a picture of bud light in it. She's not even holding it? That person's just an a-hole for sending in the picture.
In Pennsylvania a college student had a photo of her tagged on facebook. In the photo she was dressed as a pirate and holding a yellow plastic cup. The caption on the photo said "drunken pirate". She was a college senior and had just completed her student teaching. The university refused to approve her to the state for a teaching license, in part because of the photo. I did read that she did not receive satisfactory or higher ratings in her student teaching evaluation in addition to the photo being reasons for her not getting her certification.
Even if you don't agree with it, know that it is a possibility that you could be penalized for photos that you or others post on the internet.
As a teacher, my colleagues and I have our facebook names as our first and middle names. We also are not registered with a work email or the email we use on our resume. You can also set your account to be completely private, as I have. You are completely unsearchable-even with the email address you registered with. You have to go in and manually change your settings for everything, photos included.
Just a lesson to watch out what not only you but others tag you in on facebook...... Once its on the internet its never off. In this case, think if you were anyone aside from a close friend or family member of this girl: You would instantly think it was her drink no matter what anyone would tell you. It not only makes her look bad, but it makes the school look bad and the entire cheer program look bad. Should she have gotten a warning to take the pic down if it was her first offense? Probably. But its also her responsibility as a cheerleader to not put stuff up that is "questionable". (For example a volleyball player at my school had a picture of her in a bathing suit with a cowboy hat covering her swimsuit top....looked like she wasnt wearing one even though she was still covered and was wearing one. Posted it on facebook and had to take it off because people thought she was topless....NOT GOOD! People started to question whether she was wearing a swimsuit top or not even though you could clearly see she was in the rest of the pool party album). Being a cheerleader makes you a role model to kids in your community and a representative for your school, so you are automatically in the spot light. It's not really surprising that someone sent it in. Even if it wasnt her drink, that's similar to riding in a friends car that has illegal substances/alcohol in it as a minor.....even if you had no idea it was in your friends car you are still charged because its guilty by association (so watch out who you ride with!).