I don't see where the huge expense comes into the picture. The athlete that moves out of state (or out of country) eats regardless of where they live. Likewise, clothes are necessary no matter where they live. At home they probably drive a car so they must pay gas, insurance, maintenance. Those expenses won't exist any longer. The expense to cheer would exist whether at home or out of state. School is no different. The only added expense would be any monies paid to the host family for housing an athlete. I'm not even sure they pay anything to the host family. After all, foreign exchange students don't pay host families. In addition SMOED has numerous fundraisers that are very successful. So, where is the huge expense involved ? Heck, they may save money by moving out of state..ha! ha!
The one added expense I can see is the cost required to fly the athlete home for the holidays. Otherwise, I don't see a huge expense involved. I'm sure there are costs that I've overlooked. But it's not like the athlete has to pay for an apartment, buy a car, attend private school etc. It's more like spending a weekend at a friends house. A very long weekend. And in exchange for the athlete's personal sacrifice they have grueling practices and priceless memories.
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