All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3: Version 2

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Yeah, and it looks like a team received their AL bid. Though now I can't remember which one.

They don't get to choose who gets it. Aces must have been next in line.
I didn't have Aces on my initial list of bids on the Wiki, did the changes happen that day?
I didn't have Aces on my initial list of bids on the Wiki, did the changes happen that day?

Actually I think I'm wrong. I'm trying to look at the updatedate field in my database to figure out what happened. I could go pull a database backup, but I'm too lazy.
Actually I think I'm wrong. I'm trying to look at the updatedate field in my database to figure out what happened. I could go pull a database backup, but I'm too lazy.
Haha no problem, just didn't know if I missed something. I trust you with all things bids lol.
Worlds Bids twitter from 12/15 has:

PCM Mysterious - AL
PCM Resurrection - AL
DSE Rage - AL
Cheer Central Suns Lady Suns - AL
CCS Ignite - AL

Cali Coed - FP
CCS Solstice - FP
Lady Bullets - FP

So this is interesting. How DID Aces get it?
Worlds Bids twitter from 12/15 has:

PCM Mysterious - AL
PCM Resurrection - AL
DSE Rage - AL
Cheer Central Suns Lady Suns - AL
CCS Ignite - AL

Cali Coed - FP
CCS Solstice - FP
Lady Bullets - FP

So this is interesting....
I'm just assuming that Aces pre-declined the at-large as many top teams do that are fairly confident that they will get a paid later on. That makes the most sense to me.
I'm just assuming that Aces pre-declined the at-large as many top teams do that are fairly confident that they will get a paid later on. That makes the most sense to me.
I am sure you are correct, but this is one of many reasons why scores should be posted for every event.
I saw her at 1:03 also [emoji4]

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I just forwarded it to that spot - good eye! I didn't even catch that. I swear she doesn't seek out the camera! lol She actually hates being on there.
But like you said-it's at the EP's discretion and that was clear in their bid declaration
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I am sure scores were not posted b/c it was judges first time using comparative scoring and they messed up royally for SS5 all girl. Like MAJOR
It's over and done now but I def feel Aces were not next in line. Knowing Day 1 scoring I think SSC5Rage or MC5 Ignite were probably next.
But like you said-it's at the EP's discretion and that was clear in their bid declaration
Can I ask how you feel SS5 should have gone? I haven't seen videos of 5th or 6th place so I can't comment on that, but based on the vids from top 4 it seemed pretty accurate to me. Idk what the scores were, those could have been off, but placement seems ok to me, definitely not majorly off.
That's probably the only reason I'm in favor of EP's choice for bids, because you can't go by score between different divisions with comparative scoring, it doesn't work. But it does leave them a lot of room to do whatever the heck they want, which sucks.
I feel really bad for Tannaz, it must be so hard for her to see all this happening and not being able to do much about it. your gym is your baby too and if someone ruins it, it hurts badly. i'm sure she'll/had a talk with the smoed kids and coaches about watching what they say, but the damage is done, it all was recorded months ago and the ATV people can do with it what they want.

My former team was in a reality tv-show too, not a whole series but it was about 2 teens changing lives for a week and experiancing what it's like to be someone else. I also experianced how these producers can portray something completely different as the real reality is. with some editing and cutting, some of the things they said, sounded completely different as they had been said. I had warned my kids to pay attention what they say, but I can imagine when some of these smoed kids have been followed for 3 years, they get used to being those camera's around and they pay less attention to what they say. I'm sure the combination of that and some fine editing made it all more viscious as it was.

I hope they all learned their lesson and focus on their sport in the right way again.

I'm glad the show is over, I enjoyed watching it the first two years but the last season totally lost its connection to the sport. I really hope those former and current members and coaches of smoed can have a normal life again.
It all started as a great way of showing what it was like to be on this team. I'm sure it helped some non-cheerleaders to take the step and start cheerleading too. But it all blew up. I think it had more success as it shoud have had. I've been seeing some things coming from the show I really don't like. members of smoed becoming some kind of brand or more a product. I've received advertisements of having smoed kids coming to our gym to do a camp. i'm sure these are very talented kids and they probably still are able to teach my own kids many new things. yet it's crazy how much they are asking, not to forget they are not trained coaches, but athletes, many of them still minors! together with that comes a whole bunch of diva-like demands. it was really making me feel sick!

I did attend a camp this summer with several smoed kids, eddie , orby and John. What most shocked me was to see how some kids travelled from far just to sit on a bench on the side to watch and to giggle if one of the smoeds looked at them/spoke to them. untill the moment you could take pictures and they went all crazy talking tons of pictures with their "idols".

I'm curious what the future will bring and if all this madness will finally come to a stop.

I agree 100% This why if I was still of age, I really couldn't see my self traveling afar just to be told to sit down. You took that athlete for a reason. Remember that. Don't tell that athlete who just traveled all the way from NC or Canada that they're off team over reasons that can be fixed.

I understand they want the best of the best. But part of me thinks that they're breaking some sort of USASF code of conduct. ALl star cheer is supposed to be a sport where everyone is placed on a team. These kids aren't doing anything illegal in the real world so why does the coaches have the right to completely kick someone off the team and basically tell them to go back where they come from if their stunt isn't hitting or they're having a weak tumble moment.

I would think the appropriate thing to do is to temporarily find an alternative to replace that person until the actual team member is able to get her stuff "together" and then come back in a finish the season off. We all have hard times and the reasons why I've seen kids get kicked off smoed is just crazy to me.

That said, do you have any footage of this TV show? I would love to see :)
well so i watched the newest and apparently last episode...way to drag out the drama...atv is funny, taking down the last episode but uploading a new one still talking about what was not supposed to be talked about anymore... as for the show ending now, i don't think that it was necessary, but apparently there was no way of going back to just focusing on practices and stuff without the drama like it was in the beginning, so i guess it being over is probably better

I kinda think it was. I'm sad its gone. But this season brought nothing but drama to the team. We should have not seen the things we saw within the past few weeks. I think she cancelled it because it wasn't shedding at good light on her herself. If you know her, then you know she's the very opposite of what the show is putting out her gym to be. But you have to think about this,

Even if you know the kids personally, people are going to say "smoed" did this and not ___ said this but _____ said something else. Some might even go as far as just saying Cali gyms all together. I think that why's she did it other than things going over board. Once you starting blaming, "tagging" and "singling out" a whole gym, based off of one teams poorly made decisions, it can impact the entire business. Not just a team or an individual anymore. If that makes any sense. :)
Can I ask how you feel SS5 should have gone? I haven't seen videos of 5th or 6th place so I can't comment on that, but based on the vids from top 4 it seemed pretty accurate to me. Idk what the scores were, those could have been off, but placement seems ok to me, definitely not majorly off.
That's probably the only reason I'm in favor of EP's choice for bids, because you can't go by score between different divisions with comparative scoring, it doesn't work. But it does leave them a lot of room to do whatever the heck they want, which sucks.

Not speaking for the poster but I think she meant score totals in the grand scheme of things - not the placements. SS was the first division to go and several teams were scored exceptionally low on skills that should have put them in a higher range (execution was another issue).

EP choice for bids comes off as too shady, cheer might as well be professional wrestling - where the winner is picked in advance. Why even compete, just submit your team list and based on some odd criteria you can be given a FP bid. The Top Gun issue last year was not the only comp that the award happened like that, but it was the only one that was highly publisized because the team did the correct thing in the end and gave the bid to the team that beat them.
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Not speaking for the poster but I think she meant score totals in the grand scheme of things - not the placements. SS was the first division to go and several teams were scored exceptionally low on skills that should have put them in a higher range (execution was another issue).

EP choice for bids is comes off as too shady, cheer might as well be professional wrestling - where the winner is picked in advance. Why even compete, just submit your team list and based on some odd criteria you can be given a FP bid. The Top Gun issue last year was not the only comp that the award happened like that, but it was the only one that was highly publisized because the team did the correct thing in the end and gave the bid to the team that beat them.
That makes more sense. I agree, EP choice definitely has way more negatives than positives.

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