There is this man who sent me a message on YouTube about my daughters videos. He was asking me if I would let her do them in her coolest leotard so he can watch them.
That rubbed me the wrong way that you would message and ask that. So I went to his page and he personally has no videos but had favorite alot of young girls in leotards videos. Doing splits and what now. So I began to watch a couple and at the beginning of 1 girls video she said "we were sent a message to tell us to do this in our favorite leotard so this video is for you!"
It was 2 young girls doing like gymnastics stuff just for him. I was just a little grossed out he would troll around YouTube videos asking girls who are around 9 to do this.
I did write him a nasty little message back but he never replied. He has a bunch of subscribers and from their pic you can see there cheerleaders and gymnast.
Here is a link to his acct:
Not sure if that worked!
But his name is MrGymnasticsFan
So you might can search him!