I wish that athletes and spectators could walk away from a competition feeling good, win or lose.
We all know from the get go that there can only be one first place yet we pick up the gauntlet and accept the challenge. There's a lot of emotion, time, money and sweat invested in the fight yet we choose to undertake it. It's a long shot involving a lot of variables thatout of our control but we still feel it's worth our time and energy to engage.
So, if in the end you don't happen to get first place, can you really be that surprised ? Only one team gets the bragging rights of saying they won. However, what athletes may not realize is that they did win but in a little different way. To understand, they need to set their ego aside for a moment. They need to think of who they were one year ago versus who they are today. They need to look at how they have changed.. They'll find they are a better person than they were a year ago. They are stronger, a better communicator, a better friend, more supportive of others, more confident, more considerate, driven, dependable, committed, a better problem solver. These are all gifts cheer has bestowed on them as they have given of themselves to cheer. So, they have won after all. No, it's not the usual prize. It's not a jacket or a medal. It's so much better than that. They won a better version of themselves.. That prize will remain with them throughout their life and prove to be invaluable.
When the time in life comes that they don't win, whether it be a competition in cheer, or for a job position, or any other type of competition, They should not succomb to the temptation of feeling cheated, or be jealous, or bitter. Rather, than.begrudging the victor, congratulate them. This is also the perfect opportunity to score another win by learning from your losses. Learn to appreciate others, suffer humility, how to be happy for others, how to be a positive role model, deal with adversity, accept defeat, be classy, be a good sport and remain gracious. Those skills are more valuable than knowing how to win. Anyone can win but it's far more difficult to accept loss yet remain confident and resilient.
So athletes, spectators at World's, if you don't take home a Globe don't take to Twitter talking trash. Unless you are saying something positive, don't say anything at all.