All-Star Cheerleading Worlds 2015 - Day 3 (monday)

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As BSB fan, I am not disappointed at all that BSB didn't get Gold at worlds. They had incredible season by taking all grand champs at mega events like Cheersport, NCA, and UCA. They also gave the most amazing routine consistently through the whole season. Nothing can take away that inspiring achievement from them, including not winning worlds. Super proud of you BSB!
Well when it's snapchat they're less likely, not to mention even though a bunch of people were in it only one girl posted it. When people take snapchat selfies that I'm in I don't make them show me the photo to examine it before I let them put it on their story...
Snapchat is treated a lot more nonchalantly than other social media because it's "gone" in 10 seconds or 24 hours on your story. Right or wrong that's the culture... I'll admit i don't look at my snapchat pics as close as an Instagram, not that I'm posting anything bad but I'm definitely not always at my cutest and I feel like everyone else treats it that way too... This just seems like something that slipped through without thought then got screenshotted and over analyzed
Or her terrible technique...
Hate to sound brash but yeah, that too.

I cringe every time I see kids tumble with their feet flexed, knees bent and legs apart. The worst (in general) is when I see kids throw something halfway between a really ugly tuck and a sloppy, piked out layout. How do you even judge that?

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