I just finished reading this entire thread and must say how disappointed I am in people assuming they know what other people are thinking. I have read more hate tweets this weekend than I cared to, however to focus on a single team and continue to bash them about how disrespectful they are is beyond harsh! I really hope you don't have children because so many of your assumptions are completely incorrect. How about the vine from NCA when a certain athlete fell on her face. And how many karma tweets and posts did I see. To think these athletes intentionally take photos to post to rub it in is insane. Yes I have seen 2 athletes from the said team act inappropriate, and that is sad. However I've also seen so many tweets from several other athletes on different teams that aren't acknowledged. But I can guarantee if this team posted the same photo there would be an additional 20 page discussion on how disrespectful and intentional the post is. I'm not affiliated with that gym in any way but I do happen to know a few athletes from this team and it breaks my heart to see adults assume they are just rotten people. YOU DONT KNOW THEM, their tweets are their feelings at that minute, not who they are as people. Usually assumptions are completely incorrect. I have seen parents come on FB saying their child made a mistake and everyone forgives and moves on. What if these kids don't have a parent to defend them against the fierce board bullies. I must say when my daughter got hurt and I came to fierce board to get support I was so thankful I found a great group of people, however over the past 48 hours I have seen some people who want to judge everyone and by doing so are the biggest bullies of all. We are so busy judging others that we are refusing to see our own faults. I will never say the kids on that team are perfect but I will say they are good kids who make mistakes and you have no right to vilify a team because of things you have no idea about. When you've walked in their shoes, feel free to give your thoughts, otherwise just stop and think how much your words hurt others. Goodnight and God Bless