For those of you reading thru this thread today I'd like to bring something to your attention. Mention was made many pages back about selfie taken by a SMOED athlete. Claims were made that it was taken and posted to be mean to BSB. The athlete was called names and her character was slandered. A lot of discussion ensued on the topic. Both on Twitter and the FB individuals that know the truth since they witnessed the selfie being taken, came forwardt in the athletes defense. Some of these individuals are very well known in the cheer community and deemed credible. Everyone was saying essentially the same thing. That this athlete did nothing wrong.
People were so quick to judge the athlete in the moment yet not so quick to issue an apology. I haven't seen one word of apology for bashing the athlete. If you are quick with accusations you'd better be quick with apologies because you are going to be wrong some times.
Now as I read people's more recent comments I keep seeing remarks discussing how SMOED treated Brandon poorly. This selfie is the only thing that I've seen discussed pertaining to SMOED's poor treatment towards Brandon.
This is how lies and untruths get perpetuated. People don't fact check and since haters say it's so, well it must be so. Everyone loves the drama. Next thing you know everyone believes the lie to be in fact the truth, so they start hating. And so on.....and so on.
We adults bear the responsibility for some of the untruths and bad representation. We have played a part in perpetuating some of this misinformation that is out there. Not wittingly but unknowingly. We need to hold ourselves accountable for our words as we do the athletes.
Tonight as we go on about our lives no regard has been given to the athlete that innocently took a selfie. What should have been a wonderful moment for her (she worked hard to earn her moment) was spent in distress defending herself. I wonder how she feels right now. I know it has forever tainted her memories of that special moment. We bear some of the responsibility. Our words are weapons and we need to use them appropriately. Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.