This is coming from a black alumni and big supporter... If black goes out there and does their job both days, they have a great chance of taking home 1st and a full paid.. (this is me saying not only PCM but also ICE.. look at day 2 indy) but if black goes out there and has a day 1 indy.. there are other teams that are going to come out on top of them... you can say if all hits perfect you THiNK black will win but i don't think its fair to say PCM is dreaming.. It isn't like the first yr of sm coed back in '09 where black was clearly above 95% of the teams in the new division with skills/ etc.. there are ALOT of contenders and there is no room for error in this division.
These kids aren't dreaming, they are working their a$$es off & it could be anyone's weekend.