Tech is a helluva school. It can be a ton of work. However it is not impossible to cheer there and be involved in some of the more difficult degrees. I have lots of athletes who are great students, cheer, and are in a Fraternity / Sorority. Tech Cheer probably has the largest amount of degrees in engineering of any of the sports (we are considered a sport at our school and do letter) so it isn't like they are just doing an easy degree (which I will say for our football and basketball program doesnt exist :( ). I coach biomedical engineers, mechanical engineers, computer science majors, computer engineering, aerospace, psychology, business, industrial systems engineering. And there is a strong possibility your child will not be going out on Thursday nights to parties because she has a test Friday. Or she spends an entire weekend in studying after the football game is over. But it isn't like that is looked down upon at Tech. It is a lot of fun and we really do take pride in our school and we enjoy the ride.
If you are ever interested in visiting let me know. We have actually gotten rid of all clinics ( I personally don't like them and think they arent effective anyway) and make all our practices open. Just contact us if you want to visit.