Just a random question, do piercings really close up as fast as people say? Because I didn't wear earrings for at least 5 years straight and they never closed. So when people say "I can't take it out! It will close up!" I'm skeptical. Normally I hear it with belly button piercings, even if they've had them for a few years. But even if it's brand new, does 2:30 really make a difference? Just curious!
Here's the deal with my piercings (keep in mind everyone is slightly different)...
Ears tend to last the longest and because we tend to get them down when we are young they don't really close... once they are fully healed theyre pretty much there.
My nose began closing after 5 minutes when it was still a fresh peircing. after it's fully healed and old news (a couple of years) it can still close up after a couple of hours.
My tongue ring would close up after a couple of hours (this peircing closes from the inside out so you don't notice its closing until the barbell is already going through) for the first year or so. Every time you shove the barbell back through that's trauma so it does begin the healing process again. Once it's fully healed, I've left mine out for as long as 6 months and haven't had an issue... Then again you don't really NEED to take this out for practice or cheering that doesn't involve opening your mouth (such as all star).
When I first got my lip it would close after a minute or two but now that ive had it for many years it stays open for at least 30 min (never tried longer because it hurt like heck to get done and got infected once).
My inner conch (inside of your ear) will close almost immediately if I take it out.
Belly buttons take about a year to fully fully heal but after 6 months or so you should be ok to take it out for an hour or so.
Usually I tell the girls to get retainers, put fishing line through them, use bandaids, or just put it back in on every water break...
(sorry for the lengthy post)