I have another question for all of you. I recently had to quit cheer because I finally got to be on the higher level team I wanted, and now my family can't afford to pay for cheerleading, and move into a bigger house, and send my brother off to college. After we talked, my mom and I thought about me just doing individuals. I met a girl many moons ago who just did individuals without representing a certain gym name or anything. I wasn't sure how well this worked for her and I do not know of her name, but I want to still be involved in all star cheer, and I am seriously considering that to be an option. I didn't want to start another thread on this, and I figured since most of you have who do/did individuals you could help me out on this. Could it be possible? I mean obviously I would need to go to tumbling classes still, and just couldn't throw tumbling in my backyard, but could it work? Would I need to have a USASF membership for myself, my mom (who would coach me), and even a gym one? How would I register? I know I wouldn't have a ton of competition and I would only compete once or twice at bigger comps and a few locals, but would it be worth it? I love the feeling of competing, and I do play softball too, so I would have the feel of still being on a regular team, but I just need some help! I'm sorry I have so many questions and this is really long, it's just that my heart breaks over the fact that I had to quit, and the idea of still being able to cheer without having to pay all of the many fees (obviously there will still be fees, just a whole ton cheaper) makes me really happy.