Conditioning Workouts

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There are plenty you should try and do a swim through it's when you sit in a straddle then push through till you get flat on your stomach but u gotta keep your legs on the floor and keep your hips square. Then do your splits and put a foot on a high level so you stretch your split then pull and hold your back leg. Put a big rubber band around your ankles but they have to be loose then tie them in the middle. Then lean a against the wall and pull your foot off the floor but keep your leg straight and foot pointed it shouldn't touch the floor. There are many more but the most important thing to do after you stretch you should do 25 toe touches then do all the stretches again each day.

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JUMPS: use ankle weights and do leg lifts (20x left, right, and middle in straddle and 20x both legs together in pike). do the same thing without ankle weights. then do each jump 2x with ankle weights and 4x without. This has really helped me.
BASING: I'm a base and here is what I do- anything that works legs(squats,one legged squats, and run often) because you need to use your legs and arms(handstand push-ups, inchworm push-ups, regular push-ups, and alternating push-ups). Make sure when you do push-ups that your elbow don't go out sideways.
I didn't read all of these so pardon me if I repeat any :)
These are all for jumps! My varsity coaches showed me these and I brought them to my all star team! Our jumps are starting to get sooo much better! Put on ankle weights and sit in straddle. Start with just lifting your legs off the floor with both legs and each individual leg. Once your strength builds up, start circling your legs backwards. Be sure to lean forward and not back; just like you would in a toetouch! Another for toetouches, stand with your legs far apart and bent, about a ninety degree angle in your knees. Put your arms out like you would for a toetouch and jump, then land back in that position. Do about 20. Eventually you should do them with ankle weights. Another is v-ups with ankle weights but split your legs to a straddle. For hurdlers, put your arms up like you would in a hurdler, kick up your front leg like you would for the hurdler and snap down hard. Then do the same with the back leg. Think of kicking the back of your sports bra! For pikes, lay on your back and do v-ups, but snap up fast and hold a pike position for three to five seconds, then snap back down. Instead of coming all the way down, kind of hold a hollow in between each.
After these, do your jumps with ankle weights, then take them off. Your jumps will get better even after just doing this once!
Good luck :)

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For toe touches our coach had us put on ankle weights then lay on our backs. You want your butt against a wall then put the backs of your legs against the wall. Then slowly lower your legs into a split so that the weights pull your legs down farther. It's hard to explain so tell me if you have any questions ;) For basing our coach has us get in our stunt group and put the flyer in a prep. Then we push the flyer up to an extension. Then we go back down to prep. Then extension. You keep going up and down Til you can't anymore and our team makes it a competition to see how many we can do :) just ask your coach if you can try it one practice. It's really really helped our team get stronger!

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