Hi. So right now I cheer at, lets call them Gym A. Gym A is right by my house. Like 5-10 minutes away. (estimate).
Gym A is only level 1 and 2. Nobody at Gym A teaches skills beyond RO BHS. I have my RO BHS pretty good, not solid, but close.
Theres a gym about 30-40 minutes away, Gym B. They have levels 2 and 3. They are a good gym. They teach skills from forward roll to back layouts. Oh and 4.2 . (They didn't have it last season, but i think they brought it back)
Then theres this AMAZING gym, Gym C. They're an hour and 30 minutes away, but have an amazing reputation for getting athletes to bump up levels very easily. They are 1 out of 3 gyms in the state to send a team to worlds. (Obviously i'm not ready for level 5 yet, but i am aiming there!) I really want to progress. I have progressed 0% in the past 3 weeks at Gym A.
Heres the issue. My parents don't think its logical to drive me 30 minutes away to Gym B or C. If i stay with Gym A for the rest of my cheer career, I'll never get past level 2. Ever.
I asked my parents that when i'm 16 (3 years away) if i can drive to Gym C every day, pay for gas, if they pay for tutition, uniform fees, travel fees, etc. They said no, because i have to drive through a major city, and they don't want me to.
I've begged and begged and begged. Still, no.
Is it logical/typical for you (as a parent) to drive your cp 1 1/2 hour to practice? Why or why not? What could convince my parents to let me go down there?
ALSO; This is my first season of All Star, but 7th or 8th (i can't remember) of Cheer itself. I've self taught my self many skills. (back walkover, handstand walks, back handspring [sort of] )