Actually "she" is a "he" and "he" has been around cheerleading long enough to have seen Top Gun's owners in stunt competition before they were husband and wife. Several people here would tell you that many of my posts are informative, even if they are opinionated, and so what if I go to the lengths of extremism from time to time.
I'm a rarity in this industry. A heterosexual, male cheerleading coach who is ultra-conservative. I'm more rare than a polka-dotted unicorn frolicking in a magical forrest of candy canes. I see the uniforms that are prevalent in cheerleading, specifically the all-star industry as overly revealing, and in general poor taste. I think the makeup is hideous and find it asinine that parents just accept it as being "part of it," instead of asking coaches exactly how it might impact the score. Show me a judge who scores a level 5 team with level 4 skills ahead of my team with level 5 skills because their "eye shadow was fierce," and I'll show you the victim of a ferocious, and much-deserved, butt-chewing. I fully support the decency rules being implemented by the USASF.
Aside from the grounds of decency, though, I support them as a means for this industry to try to garner some respect from the outside. There's not a cheerleader in this world that doesn't throw her chest out and her nose in the air in defiance at the suggestion by John Q. Public that cheerleading isn't a sport. While, that debate is much better suited for another thread in another forum, how can we expect people on the outside to respect our athletes as athletes when we dress them in 3 square inches of spandex and slather on some clown makeup?
I coach my girls to view and present themselves as athletes. They are not divas, they are not cheer princesses, they are not cheerlebrities. They are amateur athletes. Divas make millions of dollars. Princesses are born into royalty. Celebrities, generally, have done something to EARN their status.
It's too bad that the cheer industry is more interested in being outrageous than being legitimate.