All-Star Crazy Cheer Parent Stories--spill 'em!

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I guess my stories aren't crazy cheer moms.. More like controlling psychotic cheer moms. I'm sorry in advance for the long winded rant. More of a whine session really...

We are a non profit gym which means we also have to have a board. Our now realized unfortunate mistake ( we just went non profit at the first of this season) was allowing parents to be on this board. At the time we thought it would be good as they all work / are involved with their duties preformed for the board in their normal life...
Omg I've never been more frustrated with people ( really it's just two moms specifically) in my life. Talk about giving someone an over inflated sense of entitlement. It would take me forever to go through everything that has happened so far so I'll just hit on the highlights for me.
We have a " board" fb chat. I dread seeing a notification from fb message as it is usually them wondering why we ( the coaches) made a certain decision about something and how we are wrong, and they have a much better way to do it. And I'm talking about the most Radom things. We were travelling to a comp and when I got there , there were 40.. Yes 40 fb messages about getting pizza. Why are we getting it delivered .. Why can this team ( our head coach also coaches our local college team) get it delivered and we will pick it up for our team..the other team better be paying for their own because we aren't paying for it.. And it went on and on. And that was just about pizza. They also fight us on how to do hair " what do you mean you want a lose braid and a teased /curled pony.. That's going to look like a rats nest" I show a picture of what we want " omg no.. I'll curl it but I'm not teasing it". , makeup for comps, the team wear we are getting ( why are we getting this why can't we get this. Why is it taking the designer so long.. You guys should have had this done already.. Because you know I have so much to do with how long it takes someone else to design something) , how we should be doing something about the cliques on the team, ( I can get them to work together as a team no prob but
I can't magically make them best friends...) it's exhausting.
We will get text messages all practice about how we should fix this person.. This person isn't doing this that person isn't doing that. You guys should really focus on this group. We usually kept our phones on us so we can video tape/ play music via Bluetooth etc but we've had to keep them off because it's just non stop.
one of these moms claim that we allowed her child to get a compressed spine from doing a shoulder sit with a girl that supposedly weights 6 lbs more then her ( not possible the girl is half the size but I'm not exactly going to pull out a scale to check) We are lvl 1 and she literally has her on her shoulders for not even a full 8 count and has someone assisting her in holding the weight as the have the left foot... I should post the " doctors" note written on hotel paper that doesn't even have last names/ the condition she supposedly has..
She wants her kid to fly and I think she thinks of her daughter can't base it we will put her in the air.. Yeah.. No

Oh then there is the crazy cheer mom that isn't even with the team anymore..
Her cp refused to be on the team with "babies" and quit. Now there was a ton more drama that went on but not getting into that. We are doing a stunt group for our next comp and this cp messaged me asking to be in the stunt group. I very nicely said sorry the group is full as there were enough girls on the team ( and actually associated with the gym) that wanted to do it. Plus my cp is in the stunt group and this other girl HATES her and makes up stuff about her all the time.. It's just better to keep them apart.
Well her mother basically told us we were prices of crap and how can we say we love kids but won't let her precious daughter do this.

Unfortunately because these moms are on the board, we semi have our hands tied. We ( owner/head coach and I) are trying to figure out how to get their names off things so we can dismiss them. It's just a huge mess and has thus far made our season hell.

Again sorry for the whine session.

Proceed with the funny mom stories.

Do you have elections to the board?? It just may be a case of ignore crazy cheer mom year and next year make sure you put your eggs in non crazy basket. It's not always a bad thing to have parents involved.

Also a thought....maybe a description of their duties on the board as in you are not a coach or owner. You do not text and ask...... You do not get a say in ....... Kind of thing. Be specific.

Sorry you are going through this. When peoples kids and money are involved the crazy comes out!

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I guess my stories aren't crazy cheer moms.. More like controlling psychotic cheer moms. I'm sorry in advance for the long winded rant. More of a whine session really...

We are a non profit gym which means we also have to have a board. Our now realized unfortunate mistake ( we just went non profit at the first of this season) was allowing parents to be on this board. At the time we thought it would be good as they all work / are involved with their duties preformed for the board in their normal life...
Omg I've never been more frustrated with people ( really it's just two moms specifically) in my life. Talk about giving someone an over inflated sense of entitlement. It would take me forever to go through everything that has happened so far so I'll just hit on the highlights for me.
We have a " board" fb chat. I dread seeing a notification from fb message as it is usually them wondering why we ( the coaches) made a certain decision about something and how we are wrong, and they have a much better way to do it. And I'm talking about the most Radom things. We were travelling to a comp and when I got there , there were 40.. Yes 40 fb messages about getting pizza. Why are we getting it delivered .. Why can this team ( our head coach also coaches our local college team) get it delivered and we will pick it up for our team..the other team better be paying for their own because we aren't paying for it.. And it went on and on. And that was just about pizza. They also fight us on how to do hair " what do you mean you want a lose braid and a teased /curled pony.. That's going to look like a rats nest" I show a picture of what we want " omg no.. I'll curl it but I'm not teasing it". , makeup for comps, the team wear we are getting ( why are we getting this why can't we get this. Why is it taking the designer so long.. You guys should have had this done already.. Because you know I have so much to do with how long it takes someone else to design something) , how we should be doing something about the cliques on the team, ( I can get them to work together as a team no prob but
I can't magically make them best friends...) it's exhausting.
We will get text messages all practice about how we should fix this person.. This person isn't doing this that person isn't doing that. You guys should really focus on this group. We usually kept our phones on us so we can video tape/ play music via Bluetooth etc but we've had to keep them off because it's just non stop.
one of these moms claim that we allowed her child to get a compressed spine from doing a shoulder sit with a girl that supposedly weights 6 lbs more then her ( not possible the girl is half the size but I'm not exactly going to pull out a scale to check) We are lvl 1 and she literally has her on her shoulders for not even a full 8 count and has someone assisting her in holding the weight as the have the left foot... I should post the " doctors" note written on hotel paper that doesn't even have last names/ the condition she supposedly has..
She wants her kid to fly and I think she thinks of her daughter can't base it we will put her in the air.. Yeah.. No

Oh then there is the crazy cheer mom that isn't even with the team anymore..
Her cp refused to be on the team with "babies" and quit. Now there was a ton more drama that went on but not getting into that. We are doing a stunt group for our next comp and this cp messaged me asking to be in the stunt group. I very nicely said sorry the group is full as there were enough girls on the team ( and actually associated with the gym) that wanted to do it. Plus my cp is in the stunt group and this other girl HATES her and makes up stuff about her all the time.. It's just better to keep them apart.
Well her mother basically told us we were prices of crap and how can we say we love kids but won't let her precious daughter do this.

Unfortunately because these moms are on the board, we semi have our hands tied. We ( owner/head coach and I) are trying to figure out how to get their names off things so we can dismiss them. It's just a huge mess and has thus far made our season hell.

Again sorry for the whine session.

Proceed with the funny mom stories.
Having parents on the board is not the mistake...allowing them to have a voice in every decision is. The board should be primarily focused on the financial side of things ...not hairstyle, routine changes etc. You need to draw some clear "lines in the sand" and detail what roles belong to each person.
Definetly set the boundaries with a job description and expectations at the beginning of the season, and what the duties are. Clearly lay out if it's an advisory board or a governing board. Parent involvement is a good thing but there needs to be clearly defined expectations. It protects yourself and also your board. I've dealt with my fair share of boards and non-profits. Being proactive and not reactive is key. Best of luck!
Having parents on the board is not the mistake...allowing them to have a voice in every decision is. The board should be primarily focused on the financial side of things ...not hairstyle, routine changes etc. You need to draw some clear "lines in the sand" and detail what roles belong to each person.


When you fail to clarify roles and responsibilities, that's when you get the crazy.

Ex: The craziest team mom/parent stories arise from situations in which the coaches/staff haven't really clearly delineated WHAT that person is and isn't responsible for or set any boundaries. So they just start being involved in everything.

When you fail to clarify roles and responsibilities, that's when you get the crazy.

Ex: The craziest team mom/parent stories arise from situations in which the coaches/staff haven't really clearly delineated WHAT that person is and isn't responsible for or set any boundaries. So they just start being involved in everything.

Yes! You gotta shut those parents down right away. Sometimes I think (NOT regarding the post in question, just general commentary!!!) that coaches and gym owners have a hard time not being flattered by enthusiastic Susie's moms. Maybe their flattery shields them from seeing a mom has gone off the rails. Like, it seems like moms that start out as fave moms turn into problem moms.
So there's this mom that followed my family when we left Gym 1 for Gym 2, and she is literally the definition of Susie's mom. She is SO over involved, posting reminders on the Facebook page about cancelled practices and what to wear to practices and stuff that generally, our gym owner handled...

The icing on the cake has been this weekend during NCA...the gym took LS3 and LJ3 and both teams were in 4th after day 1. Her daughter is on LJ3, and they had 5 total teams in the division, and had the second lowest raw score. They SHOULD have been in 4th even if they hit, unless the teams above them completely busted and obviously caused them to switch places. But here she went all over Facebook, "I'm utterly confused"-"They deserved to win"-"They beat amazing teams all season so far and these teams were worse than the teams they have already beat"-and my personal favorite,"NCA is rigged".

Momma, your team didn't hit. Even then so, your team didn't have the skills in place to beat the outstanding teams they competed against, even if they DID hit.

I was always taught to win humbly, lose humbly. It confuses me so much to see a parent-that is supposed to be teaching their child mature, respectful ways of acting- acting younger, less mature and with less respect than their own child gives, SMH.
Yes! You gotta shut those parents down right away. Sometimes I think (NOT regarding the post in question, just general commentary!!!) that coaches and gym owners have a hard time not being flattered by enthusiastic Susie's moms. Maybe their flattery shields them from seeing a mom has gone off the rails. Like, it seems like moms that start out as fave moms turn into problem moms.

And don't forget that a lot of times these moms are paying for a booty load of tumble and stunt privates, which is how the coaches make their money. I'm always going to be more forgiving if I know someone is paying me. [emoji857]

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And don't forget that a lot of times these moms are paying for a booty load of tumble and stunt privates, which is how the coaches make their money. I'm always going to be more forgiving if I know someone is paying me. [emoji857]

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I coach a tiny level one team....and at that age you have to decide on flyers by size, then skill because the little girls aren't that strong. All of my flyers were the younger 3&4 year olds, but one day this mom asked me if her daughter could fly. Her daughter was one of the tallest and oldest girls at 6 years old. I told her that I didn't think she would be able to fly this year, but that she possible might when she moved up to a mini team next told her that I chose her daughter to base because she is the strongest and that being a base is just as important as being a flyer. I had to do what was best for the team, The mom was very unhappy, and didn't want to take no for a answer. For a month straight she sent me videos of her daughting "flying" on a kitchen chair. She basically just did high vs and pulled a lib. Some parents are relentless. Her daughter doesn't have the skills to fly, and she is just too big compared to the other girls, and too strong to just be a flyer.
I think I crossed a line today and I'm totally embarrassed. Rewind about a week and the kids had a tough week with girls leavings and having to add someone to cross over, changes to the routine because the numbers were different...etc, etc. For a team that has been pretty solid since they got choreo, they were a wreck both days of practice. We were able to go in the gym Thursday night to watch them and hot mess is being kind---when I saw we were in a division of 6, well, I expected 6th. (Of course, I didn't tell SL that). Anyhow, they went to comp today and their opening was good, their elites were solid, they kept up with their group stunts, and then hit their pyramid---it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty solid and kinda like that miracle you hope for but don't expect. Well...I kinda screamed, like a lot of screamed, and then I sang part of their music and then I turned red. I really am the quiet cheer mom who kinda looks on, not the throwing herself all over the floor in excitement (no judgement, it's just not me) and I kinda turned into that one today. So yeah, today I was a crazy cheer mom---and they got 3rd which I found to be absolutely amazing. No clue how anyone else felt, but I was very proud of them for pulling off that 3rd. Now cheers to a month off before our next competition!
I posted this picture to answer questions. I appreciate those of you who didn't call my daughter a hooker. ;)

And if you want one, let me know and I'll tell you where you can get one and help you save a little money with a coupon. If your gym requires big teased hair, they are a huge time saver, not to mention that they save the hair from a lot of damage

Could you please message me where you got your hair piece? Thank you!
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I think I crossed a line today and I'm totally embarrassed. Rewind about a week and the kids had a tough week with girls leavings and having to add someone to cross over, changes to the routine because the numbers were different...etc, etc. For a team that has been pretty solid since they got choreo, they were a wreck both days of practice. We were able to go in the gym Thursday night to watch them and hot mess is being kind---when I saw we were in a division of 6, well, I expected 6th. (Of course, I didn't tell SL that). Anyhow, they went to comp today and their opening was good, their elites were solid, they kept up with their group stunts, and then hit their pyramid---it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty solid and kinda like that miracle you hope for but don't expect. Well...I kinda screamed, like a lot of screamed, and then I sang part of their music and then I turned red. I really am the quiet cheer mom who kinda looks on, not the throwing herself all over the floor in excitement (no judgement, it's just not me) and I kinda turned into that one today. So yeah, today I was a crazy cheer mom---and they got 3rd which I found to be absolutely amazing. No clue how anyone else felt, but I was very proud of them for pulling off that 3rd. Now cheers to a month off before our next competition!
Ok so you totally just described my week as a coach. Except we were adding a new girl wich allowed us to add difficulty and needless to say they couldn't handle the changes. So after 2 hot mess practices I called an extra practice and changed a couple parts back. Hit thier stunts and also placed 3rd. I think I had some normally calm parents go Suzie's mom crazy as well.

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Who is letting cheerleaders make these types of decisions? It perplexes me greatly when I hear people saying that the cheerleaders are telling other cheerleaders what to wear, where to stand, etc (captain or not.) Is this typical for captains?

Full-disclosure: I have not had captains in quite some time, and even when I did, they certainly did not have the authority to bench anyone.
In high school I would say it's pretty normal. As officers of my dance team we always did stuff like that (with the approval of our coach), we would suggest what to wear for game day. In high school captains usually have a lot more responsibility.

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