All-Star crossovers!!!

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I have a question about the NCA NCA you can only cross between the same level right? So if you are on a senior open five team, are you allowed to cross to a regular level five team? or a level four team? or is that just it, you cant cross at all??
Pretty sure that, for crossover purposes at least, Senior Open 5 would be treated like a regular L5 team.
Level5Mom said:
Thanks so much njgymrat!! This is very much what I was looking for. Wcdad, you spoke of "crosstraining", but to me crosstraining has always meant working the body in a different capacity. For instance, football players taking ballet lessons, joggers biking or swimming, etc. When you say crosstraining I take it you are referring to conditioning instead of actually training gymnastics skills? I have witnessed a gymnastics flexibility session before that was one on one between coach and athlete at an open gym once. That coach had that athlete in some crazy torture positions for several minutes at a time! I was amazed.

Yes that is correct., Thnax njgymrat as well, you have always been able to explain it better.. lol
My daughter is cross over and really I think it depends on the cheerleader. Some cheerleaders can handle the responsibility of two teams and some can not. I will say that it is exhausting to watch the amount of work they do. :maryland
sportsM said:
My daughter is cross over and really I think it depends on the cheerleader. Some cheerleaders can handle the responsibility of two teams and some can not. I will say that it is exhausting to watch the amount of work they do. :maryland

It really has nothing to do about "the responsibility" of being able to do more than one team. The student athletes body can not handle the stress, strain and repetitive pounding is the safety issue.
theres really no point in cross between level 5 teams (besides for injuries, and for open 5 teams) because it just causes there to be MORE work by the time Worlds comes around, and you have to make decisions that should have been made during choreo. :)
Everyone seems to say 'Oh, crossing over is fine, EXCEPT.' Meaning there IS something wrong in some instance with crossovers. Collectively we're all in agreement that we know it's being abused somewhere and we don't like it.

Also, in my perfect world, perfection and progression push you through levels. So when a level 5 athlete competes on a level 2 team, YES it's a problem. Even though they can't compete their higher skills, they've been practicing their lower skills for quite some time. It will most likely look better than a level 2 person who's been on that team for a shorter amount of time.

As wcdad said, floor is only 1 event in a gymnasts routine. Yes, vault is a bit of a pounding as well, but it's one event you do twice at most and it's over and done in a few seconds. Can you imagine doing 4 floor routines?
What if your gym happens to have off numbers? You have 14 level 3 athletes. You need to create a small level 3 team. You do not have a level 4 team, you have a level 2, and a level 5. For percentages, it would make sense to use your level 5's. If you used your level 2's, you are giving away points. I think you have to look at a gyms current situation before passing judgement on how they use their crossovers. Some gyms I shake my head, others I understand. You can't do well at the major nationals without having high percentages.
CDRCoach17 said:
What if your gym happens to have off numbers? You have 14 level 3 athletes. You need to create a small level 3 team. You do not have a level 4 team, you have a level 2, and a level 5. For percentages, it would make sense to use your level 5's. If you used your level 2's, you are giving away points. I think you have to look at a gyms current situation before passing judgment on how they use their crossovers. Some gyms I shake my head, others I understand. You can't do well at the major nationals without having high percentages.

I agree.

I can see double teamers being used for small gyms or extreme circumstances. Personally, if you are able to have girls try out for spots on the team and you have the ability to fill teams, you shouldn't double team anyone.

If you look at my gym, we have 40 athletes: 9 Youth, 17 Juniors & 13 Seniors. We needed to fill out our senior team to give them the best chance to compete with everyone else, so we did ask some double teamers to move up from Juniors to Seniors.

One thing that bothers me about double teamers, are the teams that will double team the girls from minis to youth and youth to juniors and juniors to seniors, 4 routines for any athlete is too much. But for a girl who is 8 to do all of those routines is craziness.
There is a place for crossing over as many of already said...

My pet peeves in this however are...
1. Crossing more than one level down than your main team
2. Boasting about the number of teams your gym has when clearly the majority of your kids cross
3. Coming to awards with 1 or 2 medals already around your neck
I have a question on NCA rules. I am on a level 4 and 4.2 team would i be able to cross over at NCA or can i only cross from 4.2 to lvl 2?
Ok there is a team near us that have a level two team, stacked.. over 1/2 of them are level 4 girls crossed down to a level two, they are fantastic but many of the other teams in the area and not in the area are complaining, They do win, they remain undefeated, but is 1/2 a team made up of level 4 girls on a level two team excessive?This is the 3rd yr they have been doing this.
my gym is pretty small so it is hard to fill teams without haveing any crossovers. we try no to over do it, but people quit, and get injured. i think this year was the most crossovers we have had in a while. we used to have nothing but a crossover team with a reduced sch. so when that team wasent competing they were still competing with there other teams, but that only lasted 1 year. on are try-out form there is a spot asking if you would like to crossover, a lot of kids enjoy doing it but we wouldent put a level 5 kid on a jr. 2 team!!! the most we crossover is just to 1 level so 2-3, 3-4 or 4-5. at one competition i saw a team from a pretty well known gym finish there level 5 routine and literally 10 kids went running to warm-ups to go warm-up with the level 3 team ... that to me is a little rediculous

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