I have a few OTR tour questions and I feel like I 'know' yall better than random beyoncebiggestfan33 and that the advice will actually be good advice/advice I could follow.
So,CP is asking for tickets. While I have spent,more money than I care to admit,on Broadway shows and musical,i'm seriously doubting buying these tickets. I feel like, I really get my money worth on shows/musical;it's 2-2 1/2 hours of singing,dancing,acting and more,plus CP really loves musical and the stage,knows the background/stories to the shows we see and when it comes to live stage,it's something that is hard to download-there isn't a Wicked DVD,we can buy. But i'm having a hard time buying OTR tickets;their songs are on itunes,she can just go to there and buy them,google the concert and buy the DVD;I feel like it's going to be a waste of money. All I can think about,is spending $350+ on tickets and it be a just a regular concert,where the acts have the audience sing the songs and they just walk around the stage,with the mic pointed out,smiling. So be honest with me;are they performers,who will really give me my money worth or should I tell CP,it ain't happening till she gets her own job? If i'm crazy and don't know what i'm talking about tell me,it won't offended me. We are in Middle TN,so we are going to have to fly/drive to one of the venues and IF (and it's a big if),we go,it will be a girls' week start/end of summer vacation. I'm looking at Miami (which may be out,since it's 2 weeks away,but we'll see..),Philadelphia,Houston,Dallas,New Orleans,ATL,Chicago (we have family here,so it would be the cheapest,but I don't know if Chicago is good for a 1st concert experience..),Los Angeles or San Francisco.
I will take and process any and all advice,criticism,ect...and don't worry about being rude;just tell me! If i'm being crazy,tell me;the good,bad,and anything in between! ;)