Ok, so I purposely haven't posted on this thread simply because just hearing the word cheerlebrity bugs the heck out of me; it's ridiculous. Anyhow, I was thinking last night about how since September of last year I went from having a janky Roundoff BHS to now having a Roundoff BHS Layout. When I switched gyms I decided when tumbling I'd imagine being the best tumbler I could think of, so every time I tumbled I'd imagine I was on Stingray Orange and was Angel Rice (I still do when learning new skills). Just from imagining I was a different person I went from a crappy level 2 tumbler, to a level 4 tumbler in 6 months, teaching me I can do pretty much any tumbling skill I want if I have the right mental mind set. If I didn't know who Angel was (because of her 'cheerlebrity' status) I'd probably never be progressing the way I am now; so in a way I thank the cheerlebrity status just a little bit. That is all.