All-Star Deleting Account Instructions

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Apr 22, 2010
Hi. I am wondering how I delete my fierceboard account please? I never learned how to PM anyone (yikes!); sorry, I would pm Kingston on the instructions but again, not sure how to do that. Thank you!
and why on earth would you want to do that?
Kind of don't want to be crying over what strangers think as crazy as that sounds. I am just a sensitive old soul who can't take the heat but knows when to fold em. Best wishes to you and your team!
Kind of don't want to be crying over what strangers think as crazy as that sounds. I am just a sensitive old soul who can't take the heat but knows when to fold em. Best wishes to you and your team!
thanks, and same to you. im just kidding though, you didnt have to explain yourself to me. i understand. :)
I think your kids look lovely and happy. Please don't let a few strangers with too much time and too little tact make your old soul sad.
I seriously hope you will reconsider. I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt. I can certainly see why, but those comments were from only a few.
Good morning everyone. I just want to tell you that your caring and thoughtfulness made me cry - AGAIN! Thank you so much. I truly was surprised and yes, hurt, that so many people were so negative about our new uniforms. However, I was not mad about it because I know we are all entitled to our opinions (that is one of the reasons why I read the fierceboard; it has opened my eyes to other points of view I may not have considered and I have had conversations and gotten to know some really wonderful people - see above!). I was not prepared for the harshness of it I guess.
What everyone doesn't know is the personal symbol this uniform has for us so I took the critisism out of proportion and for that I apologize. This uniform is a reminder of someone we love and lost this year. This was the fourth uniform we had made and none of the other traditional uniforms reflected the organization we are and the person she was. She was my best friend, one of the co-founders, her daughter and mine are best friends and she didn't just pass away, she was murdered. The hurt, the pain, the sorrow, the anger, the missing void - all those things we felt were soothed somewhat by a uniform that screamed us and her. Beautiful inside and out. Lots of sparkle. Purple, black and gold for her beloved Ravens. Original. Different. Us.
I want to say that I have truly appreciated so many kind words that were said. They mean so much. And again, with thanks and love. ECM (where every child matters).
@hopskipandjump Now I'm tearing up :( I'm so sorry for your loss and the gap it has left in your heart and that of your gym family. The red rhinestone is such a lovely way to keep her with each and every child when they need it most. I'm sure it will shine brighter to them than any other stone and will make them better people for having the opportunity to honour her in such a way. Stay strong, comp season starts soon and then we can start picking on someone else for pseudo-legit reasons… like stealing tick tocks from CEA… or jumps from Orange.
I think you all have done a great job memorializing your friend with these unis. It's going to be pretty emotional when you see your teams compete with that angel watching over them!
As for others' reactions, I've seen (and been guilty of saying) much, much worse things about unis on the board. It most certainly could have gotten much uglier, but whenever something is that close to your heart, it hurts that much more.
@hopskipandjump Now I'm tearing up :( I'm so sorry for your loss and the gap it has left in your heart and that of your gym family. The red rhinestone is such a lovely way to keep her with each and every child when they need it most. I'm sure it will shine brighter to them than any other stone and will make them better people for having the opportunity to honour her in such a way. Stay strong, comp season starts soon and then we can start picking on someone else for pseudo-legit reasons… like stealing tick tocks from CEA… or jumps from Orange.
Im still trying to get my ECMers to jump like Orange... MORE PRACTICE!!!!
That's one of those *headdesks* where you open your mouth about something, say something rude, and then realize you're a complete and utter idiot.. How special to remember someone dear to you by putting on a symbol of them while doing the thing you both love. Every time those kids put on that uni they get to remember how much that person influenced their lives.

I thought it was a beautiful uni..purples my favorite color. :D

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