My daughter suffered a distal tibia fracture and complete growth plate fracture last January 14th. We were completely devastated. I, too, posted a thread here on the boards asking for advice, etc. :) I will give you her timeline:
Broke leg/growth plate on Jan. 14th. (like a triangle, from the growth plate up the tibia and back down into the growth plate on the other side). The ER put her in a hard brace til she could get in to see the OS which was Jan 24th.
OS decides no surgery is necessary even though it broke her growth plate because her growth plates seemed to be fused already (which was weird because she was barely 14 and had NOT started her cycle yet ??) He puts her in a short leg cast for 6 weeks, non-weight bearing. That put us at March 6th.
At that visit the OS determines her leg is healing quite nicely and removes the cast and puts her in a walking boot. She is told to wear the boot at all times for the first week then after that to take it off at home but wear it at all times outside the house for another 2 weeks. This put us at March 27th. That was a total of 10 1/2 weeks.
At that visit the doctor releases her to "activities as tolerated". I was advised by some very wise posters here on the board to show her OS a video of what she actually does as a cheerleader so he would know what "activities as tolerated" meant for her. She had high school cheer tryouts coming up that very next week and they would NOT take a video submission. :-/ The very minimum she had to do to tryout were jumps and a cheer and dance. She had been on our gym's worlds team prior to the injury and was also hoping to get her spot back on that team as well having only 4 1/2 weeks til worlds.
By the time she had tryouts on April 6th she was able to do all her jumps and even a standing BHS step out :) Unfortunately she was not able to regain her big tumbling skills in time to make mat for worlds. She was tumbling into our resi pit doing doubles and two to fulls just fine, but the spring floor was a little less forgiving.
I will also caution you about this...while she had very little problems with the actual injury site when rehabbing, she did have slight knee and ankle aches and pains on her OPPOSITE leg. She was favoring the bad leg for fear of reinjuring it and caused issues on the other leg.
Oh and her OS also said she needed to wear an ankle brace for a while til she was completey back to 100%. She is wearing that to this day. She tried taking it off one day and then started having achilles pain. It just wasn't worth it so we put it back on. ha
I hope her story helps you a little. I would say if your daughter broke her leg over break, she should be able to start doing SOME skills by early March. My CP was able to stunt within a week or two of getting the boot off. So depending on when your CP's season ends, she may be able to get back out there at least once or twice!!
I will pray for her. My CP cried A LOT during that time and it took everyone around her to keep her spirits up. I do have to say that even though it did end her season, it went by really quick. The hardest part was dealing with showering everyday. THAT was a pickle...