All-Star Distal Tibia Fracture With Growth Plate Involvement

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Cheer Parent
Mar 23, 2010
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CP fractured her tibia over school break :( She's got a distal tibia fx that extends into her growth plate. The fracture did not go all the way through the plate into the joint so thankfully she didn't need surgery. I'd like input from anyone that's been through this. The recovery time the ortho has given us seems SUPER long. He said 4 weeks in a long leg cast, another 3 in a short leg and then possibly a boot for a couple more weeks then PT. This will end her season if that holds true and she is just devastated. Obviously, I want her to heal and don't want to rush it but I did some research and the treatment of these seems to vary. I've seen some studies where kids were treated with a long leg cast for as little as 3 weeks followed by a walking cast or boot for another 3. Anyway...any input from athletes or parents that have had this injury would be greatly appreciated!!!
I am not a doctor...please take your doctor's advice. Here is why...

A friend of mine's former CP had a similar fracture a few years ago. I would take all the time the doctor recommends to allow it to heal completely. Unfortunately my friend's daughter did not allow it long enough (too excited to finish the season etc) and now she has been told she cannot cheer ever again. She did so much damage that it gives her pain every time it gets cold etc.

It may be a bummer to have to be finished for the season, but long term it would allow her to cheer again. If you current ortho is not a pediatric orthopedic, maybe seek a second opinion from a specialist.

Good luck! I am so sorry she broke her tibia!! :(
I don't know how old your CP is...but my advice, as a Mom that has practically earned fast-pass honors to Ortho and ER with my kids, the longer the better!!! Unless she is in her final year of cheer, there are more seasons. An injury that doesn't heal completely will just end up rearing its ugly head again in the future (often in the form of a different injury because of compensating for lingering pain or weakness).
Thanks :) Her doctor is a pediatric ortho at one of the top Children's hospitals in the country. I definitely plan to follow his advice but wanted to have some info to bounce off him when we see him again at the end of the week. Everything happened so fast when they casted her I didn't get to ask a lot of questions. She flys and is hoping to at least get back flying before the end of the season. Her coaches have been awesome and don't expect her to tumble which is what I worry about as far as returning. We'll see what heart is just broken for her. She moved gyms this year which wasn't initially an easy decision for her but it has worked out amazingly. To have this happen just when things were getting rolling just stinks. If she could salvage at least some of the season I think it would make it a little easier for her to deal with.
I don't know how old your CP is...but my advice, as a Mom that has practically earned fast-pass honors to Ortho and ER with my kids, the longer the better!!! Unless she is in her final year of cheer, there are more seasons. An injury that doesn't heal completely will just end up rearing its ugly head again in the future (often in the form of a different injury because of compensating for lingering pain or weakness).
She's only 12...I completely get it and agree. Her not so much LOL!
I would definitely wait that long. I had a break at the growth plate when I was 12 (now 22). My orthopedic doctor is our neighbor and because of this close relationship my mom and I pushed him to release me early. I did 3 weeks in a cast, then was supposed to have 3 more in an air cast/ boot. Those 3 weeks definitely didn't happen and I went back into stunting and doing choreo, then added jumps/tumbling later. To this day when it gets cold or I stand up for more than 4 hours my ankle kind of locks up and won't move properly. Obviously I can't say its related directly to this injury or the others I've had, but this was the first injury in a long line of others so I think there has to be some relationship there. Good luck to your CP and I hope she is feeling better soon!!
In my opinion, if it was her last year of cheer, I would say push through. She is so young, I would do anything and everything the doctor says. As everyone has said above, she has more time to cheer and healing properly is the key to proper progression in her skills.
My daughter suffered a distal tibia fracture and complete growth plate fracture last January 14th. We were completely devastated. I, too, posted a thread here on the boards asking for advice, etc. :) I will give you her timeline:

Broke leg/growth plate on Jan. 14th. (like a triangle, from the growth plate up the tibia and back down into the growth plate on the other side). The ER put her in a hard brace til she could get in to see the OS which was Jan 24th.

OS decides no surgery is necessary even though it broke her growth plate because her growth plates seemed to be fused already (which was weird because she was barely 14 and had NOT started her cycle yet ??) He puts her in a short leg cast for 6 weeks, non-weight bearing. That put us at March 6th.

At that visit the OS determines her leg is healing quite nicely and removes the cast and puts her in a walking boot. She is told to wear the boot at all times for the first week then after that to take it off at home but wear it at all times outside the house for another 2 weeks. This put us at March 27th. That was a total of 10 1/2 weeks.

At that visit the doctor releases her to "activities as tolerated". I was advised by some very wise posters here on the board to show her OS a video of what she actually does as a cheerleader so he would know what "activities as tolerated" meant for her. She had high school cheer tryouts coming up that very next week and they would NOT take a video submission. :-/ The very minimum she had to do to tryout were jumps and a cheer and dance. She had been on our gym's worlds team prior to the injury and was also hoping to get her spot back on that team as well having only 4 1/2 weeks til worlds.

By the time she had tryouts on April 6th she was able to do all her jumps and even a standing BHS step out :) Unfortunately she was not able to regain her big tumbling skills in time to make mat for worlds. She was tumbling into our resi pit doing doubles and two to fulls just fine, but the spring floor was a little less forgiving.

I will also caution you about this...while she had very little problems with the actual injury site when rehabbing, she did have slight knee and ankle aches and pains on her OPPOSITE leg. She was favoring the bad leg for fear of reinjuring it and caused issues on the other leg.

Oh and her OS also said she needed to wear an ankle brace for a while til she was completey back to 100%. She is wearing that to this day. She tried taking it off one day and then started having achilles pain. It just wasn't worth it so we put it back on. ha

I hope her story helps you a little. I would say if your daughter broke her leg over break, she should be able to start doing SOME skills by early March. My CP was able to stunt within a week or two of getting the boot off. So depending on when your CP's season ends, she may be able to get back out there at least once or twice!!

I will pray for her. My CP cried A LOT during that time and it took everyone around her to keep her spirits up. I do have to say that even though it did end her season, it went by really quick. The hardest part was dealing with showering everyday. THAT was a pickle...
Here's the thread I started last year if you are interested in reading thru it :)

Returning To Cheer After An Injury | Fierce Board - We Talk Cheerleading

Thank you so much! It's nice to hear from someone that's been there!!! She is beyond devastated. The tears start as soon as she wakes up on many days!!! The fracture happened 12/23 so it'll be 2 weeks this Sunday. She's only been in the long leg cast since 12/28 when she saw the OS. Prior to that she was in the short leg splint that the ER put her in. If he can get her out of the cast and into the boot within 4-6 weeks that would be ideal. I'm wondering and plan to ask him if there is any benefit to putting her in a boot and allowing minimal weight bearing after 4 weeks to decrease the amount of atrophy and weakness in that leg. I'm just worried she's going to come out super weak because of the long cast. I tell you this long leg cast is for the birds! You think showering in a short leg cast was bad you should have seen us last night LOL! The boot would at least save some of my sanity because she'd be able to take it off to take a bath!
Hoping it goes by fast for us too!!!
Thank you so much! It's nice to hear from someone that's been there!!! She is beyond devastated. The tears start as soon as she wakes up on many days!!! The fracture happened 12/23 so it'll be 2 weeks this Sunday. She's only been in the long leg cast since 12/28 when she saw the OS. Prior to that she was in the short leg splint that the ER put her in. If he can get her out of the cast and into the boot within 4-6 weeks that would be ideal. I'm wondering and plan to ask him if there is any benefit to putting her in a boot and allowing minimal weight bearing after 4 weeks to decrease the amount of atrophy and weakness in that leg. I'm just worried she's going to come out super weak because of the long cast. I tell you this long leg cast is for the birds! You think showering in a short leg cast was bad you should have seen us last night LOL! The boot would at least save some of my sanity because she'd be able to take it off to take a bath!
Hoping it goes by fast for us too!!!

I'm still ??? about the long leg cast?? If the injury is in the distal tibia, why the long leg cast?? I would be asking that question. Because now she'll be dealing with ROM issues in her knee as well. All I know is my CP didn't need one and she had one heck of a fracture. Hopefully she'll get the long leg cast off and be able to start some ROM exercises for her knee and then hopefully that won't be an issue when she gets into her boot.

I can only imagine having a long leg cast when it comes to showering...I was about to lose my mind with a short leg cast. Wrapping it up every...single...night. I had to personally help her every single day...blah.

Please keep us updated on her recovery time and ability to return to cheer! :)
I'm still ??? about the long leg cast?? If the injury is in the distal tibia, why the long leg cast?? I would be asking that question. Because now she'll be dealing with ROM issues in her knee as well. All I know is my CP didn't need one and she had one heck of a fracture. Hopefully she'll get the long leg cast off and be able to start some ROM exercises for her knee and then hopefully that won't be an issue when she gets into her boot.

I can only imagine having a long leg cast when it comes to showering...I was about to lose my mind with a short leg cast. Wrapping it up every...single...night. I had to personally help her every single day...blah.

Please keep us updated on her recovery time and ability to return to cheer! :)

He did the long leg cast in order to completely immobilize the ankle. In a short leg cast you are still able to rotate the leg a little bit. She had tons of pain in the short splint when he rotated it so he opted for the long leg. As soon as the long cast was on she felt a million times better. She was a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale that day before the cast and down to a 4/5 as soon as they put it on. Most of the stuff I've read say a long leg cast for at least 3 weeks then cut down to a short cast for another 3. We go back Friday and I have a long list of questions for him LOL!
He did the long leg cast in order to completely immobilize the ankle. In a short leg cast you are still able to rotate the leg a little bit. She had tons of pain in the short splint when he rotated it so he opted for the long leg. As soon as the long cast was on she felt a million times better. She was a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale that day before the cast and down to a 4/5 as soon as they put it on. Most of the stuff I've read say a long leg cast for at least 3 weeks then cut down to a short cast for another 3. We go back Friday and I have a long list of questions for him LOL!

I had read the same thing. So when she got to keep the short leg cast we were ecstatic!! :) Makes since I guess. All I know is my CP did just fine without one. did your CP break it?
I had read the same thing. So when she got to keep the short leg cast we were ecstatic!! :) Makes since I guess. All I know is my CP did just fine without one. did your CP break it?
I wish I had a great story to go along with the break like she was working on some amazing new stunt or crazy tumbling pass but I don't LOL! It was their last practice before Christmas and they were just goofing around playing a game! Someone kind of tackled and landed on her :mad:
I wish I had a great story to go along with the break like she was working on some amazing new stunt or crazy tumbling pass but I don't LOL! It was their last practice before Christmas and they were just goofing around playing a game! Someone kind of tackled and landed on her :mad:

Oh that just sucks!! lol It always seems our kids get hurt more often horseplaying than when they are actually practicing their sport! :confused: