In Chesterfield VA we don't have Pop Warner, AYC, or anything like that. A long time ago a bunch of men got together and decided the local high schools need experienced football players. So they formed the Chesterfield Football League. The ladies decided that there should also be youth cheerleading and they formed the Chesterfield Cheering League. Each district had an athletic association that covers one to a few elementary schools. For example Robious Athletic Association, Swift Creek Athletic Assoc., Salem, Gordon.... They are divided into 4 age groups: Flag, Minor, Junior, and Senior and your skill set is determined by the division of your program A(basic), AA, or, AAA(advanced). So if your association is AA all the teams regardless of age can do the same thing. CCL hosts a competition of its own and my gym (Cheer Challenge) also hosts a rec competition. There is no rule that states that a cheerleader cannot cheer for both and we do have quite a few girls who do both. We pick up a huge number of rec cheerleaders for our fall teams and usually once they cheer Allstar they never go back. So yes you can do both. My question is...
Why would you want to?
At least in my area, the rec teams are not well organized, run largely by parents who have not a clue what they're doing. It's unsafe and the kids don't even like it. We do a lot of camps for rec teams, tumbling classes, stunt classes, and choreo. 90% of the kids tell us they hate cheering football. They say they wish they could stunt more and compete more. Not to mention, 90% of the coaches are incompetent to teach cheerleading. And I quote " I don't really like cradles, I think they're messy" or "What's a scorpion?" I feel like these kids are getting cheated out of having a really great cheer experience. Most people say that it's because their parents can't afford it but after speaking to a previous rec parent turned Allstar:
"It was almost as expensive, all the uniforms and warmups. Not to mention they practiced 5 nights a week! 7 years old and five night. Here she practices 2 nights and has learned 10 times as much. And they practiced on concrete! I'd rather pay a little more for mats"