Hey now Casserole!
thebowqueen - When you talk about coaches favorites, in it for the money, and act unprofessionally - I would like to address those issues separatley.
When it comes to coaches favorites - I have been accused COUNTLESS times of having 'favorites' While I try not to particulary try and act like I have favorites - the fact is - that I do. You want to know who my favorites are? The kids that bust their butts every practice. If I have a team of 20 that bust their butts - I dont have any favorites - that team is my favorite. My favorites arent favorites because they are the most talented, they arent the prettiest, they arent my favorites because I know their parents, fact is - my favorites work hard. And I like those kids because I see myself when I was younger in them. So as far as favorites in my gym - Yeah I have them. And if you come watch a practice, and you see who is working, and who is chatting and could care less - you could guess my favorites. I will say Junior Coed 5 and Senior 2 are my favorites at my gym due to their work effort as a team and how well they get a long and how positive and encouraging they are! I know there are coaches who have favorites for alterior motives, but I assure you, If you work hard, your a favorite of mine.
"in it for the money" - I dont know about your gym - but being in coaching "for the money" is a joke. Unless your full time, have a butt load of private lessons that the gym doesnt take half, I find this to be an oxymoron. Coaches arent the most overpaid professional in the country, however, I know we arent the underpaid either. Im fortunate enough that my current gym, our coaches are here because they want to be.
Unprofessional coaches - The thing with this - Our industry has some pretty young coaches. A lot of gyms graduate out some seniors that go to school close by so they pick up hours at the gym. Or people hire people in or fresh out of college. Fact is, not a whole lot of people that are in their 30's or older are out looking for a cheer job. We have a young market of coaches. Of course I understand it is hard to separate friendship to coach when a senior graduates out and starts coaching. I really cant blame them. Its a hard transition. I started coaching when I was 18 and I know I made my fair of mistakes. You learn from them, and you move on. I think more gym owners need contracts for their coaches on professionalism. If you have pictures on facebook gettin sloshed, partying with athletes, whatever the case may be, you need a contract that you sign that you can get fired.
Dont get me wrong, I go out and drink on the weekends, fact is - I am not friends with my kids on facebook. We have a private group for our Famous teams and taht is how the coaches can interact with the athletes, I think that is the safest, best way.
Of my soapbox now.