now that i've actually started school...
i kept telling myself oh, i can handle school, school cheer, and allstars, i had wonderful time management in highschool. and i did, and it's helping alot now, and i also appreciate all those AP classes. but you know what? college is a whole different ball game. sure i balanced school, work, and cheer in highschool, but it demands different things from you then college courses and college classes. i have been asked multiple times to do pss, and the allstar in me is still depressed and still wants to do it, but i'm holding off. i came to college to get a degree, not be a cheerleader, and i have to remind myself of that every day. it's hard, but it has to happen. and although i could probably do pss, i know in the long run my body will hate me, and i will tell myself i could have put more effort into my school work. now that im in college, i see it from a fresh perspective. i always told myself i'd be an allstar forever, but once you start cheering college, the transition comes smoothly. if you really want to do it all, maybe take the freshman year to iron things out, add a little at a time, dont jump feet first into something you'll regret later, especially since it will not only effect you but everyone else around you. that was kind of my big push to just stick with college cheer. although i would be a memver of both teams, rock coed comes first,and if i were to get hurt from over exerting myself, look at how many people would suffer from my mistakes. maybe just try to go to some comps and watch, save up money for a big one. thats what i might do. you can still be active in the allstar world without being an allstar cheerleader, look at all the people on the board :) sorry for the novel :) hope it helps, if you have questions or anything, i'm always up to helping!
peace, love, and happy cheering!