I'm probably going to get a lot of awkward cows for this but, I must say I agree its a little weird that someone is asking for his personal address. She COULD simply just send a letter to CA if she was that desperate, but now I have to play devils advocate.
Im just curious and I am not attacking anyone but, I find it a little hypocritical that we come on here and ask for prayer requests for cheerleaders that have taken their lives due to bullying and say this is got to stop this is getting worse etc. etc and then when a "newbie" posts something on here we don't like everyone pounces on them and throws out gifs, smileys, and calls them a stalker.
We dont know who is behind that computer screen. There could be a little girl behind that computer screen that looks up to him because he is such a good, well rounded athlete. Maybe she doesn't have a support system around her and wants to contact Matt and get some confidence/advice. You never know who is on the other side of the computer. Even though it is clear you are all joking you don't know how small something can be to send someone over the edge so would it pain people that bad to just simply answer her question or give her a suggestion as to how she could go about sending him fanmail ?