All-Star Doing It All Over

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There are certain aspects of my cheerleading coaching career that I would change, like the failure of my first program. But at the same time, all the events have lead me to where I am, which is with a phenomenal group of athletes who love this sport as much as I do.

I would go back and learn to tumble though. That is my one big regret

Your body is thanking you right now that you didn't. Believe me. LOL

I'm enjoying this thread so thank you for starting it @Cheer Dad! It's nice to see the kids saying they'd definitely do it over again. Gives me hope that mine will feel the same way one day. (And the 2 oldest do feel that way) When we started in this sport Little Bit was very still had a pacie wanted to cheer. I googled cheer gyms in my area. I visited 2 and picked the one in my town (like I thought the rest of the world did......back then there was no driving to the best gym) My older kids put blood, sweat and tears in the early year's helping to build our program into what she get's to enjoy today. When people talk about the history of CEA it's nice to be able to think to myself "I remember that....That was a great moment" and that's what I've pretty much come down to......Some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this.

I've also had the pleasure of watching CSP grow up. She was single when we started. I've watched her get married, have children and grow and evolve into the the person and coach she is today.
You are welcome @mstealtoyou bit can't take all the credit now, can I?

Really liking the perspectives of the kids as well as the parents and coaches.
Cheer has taught me more about myself and has taught me more life lessons than anything else in my entire life. Does my body curse me everyday when I wake up? Yes. Would I do it all over? Yes.

An intense, financially burdensome, time consuming, commit-every-minute-of-your-life, different activity? Yes. Allstar cheer? No.

Now that we've spent a year outside of cheer, I really see why my friends all say it's like a cult. Last year we missed it a lot. This year... I'm so happy we're not doing it anymore. For so many reasons: money, time, drama, and quite frankly I look at the direction cheer is heading and I am glad we bailed when we did. :(

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My daughter is 5 and is just getting started. I couldn't be more excited. The highest level I ever competed was a senior 4. So I can't wait to see what she what she can accomplish. :)
Right now we are at Cheer Force One in Mobile Alabama. 2015-2016 season we will be moving back to California and she will be at Pacifica coast Magic.
We're in a weird position as a family right now because we are in essence doing it all over again. I started allstars in 7th grade and did it through till 11th. My sister is starting it this year, one year before I did. (She's currently in 6th)

She's currently at a smaller gym than the one that I competed with. We were concerned about her dedication and how her high anxiety would be effected by it. We never expected her to embrace it like she has. I guess we're in it for the long haul again, haha. Personally I am happy that she is happy, and I'm glad it's something I enjoy too and can talk to her about. My mom knows more about it too seeing as it's our second time through. It wasn't as fun for us when she was playing soccer or riding in horse shows. :D

So the emotional effect remains to be seen for her. So far it's been good for her as she's taken on a leadership role. Despite being new to cheer, she's one of the oldest on her youth team and is serving as a motivator and role model for the younger girls.
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Currently as a sophomore in college and still cheering, yes I would do it all over again! Only difference is I would have started earlier. I didn't join cheer until 6th grade with a feeder program for our middle school and I didn't learn to tumble into 8th grade. I always think to myself how much more I could have improved by starting at a younger age, so that would be the only thing I would change about my cheer experience. Besides that I'm pretty proud of all my accomplishments through my cheer career.

An intense, financially burdensome, time consuming, commit-every-minute-of-your-life, different activity? Yes. Allstar cheer? No.

Now that we've spent a year outside of cheer, I really see why my friends all say it's like a cult. Last year we missed it a lot. This year... I'm so happy we're not doing it anymore. For so many reasons: money, time, drama, and quite frankly I look at the direction cheer is heading and I am glad we bailed when we did. :(

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Well... Can I still join Fierce Board in this imaginary time travel experiment? :( If not then I'm changing my answer to yes.

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My heart says yes, but if your answer was no, then the board is moot.
Honestly, you've gotten me through most of the Razzi's cheer careers, so without you there would be no me.
And if there was no you, I would have to change my answer to No.
So basically, my kids cheer for Just-a-Mom.
that would be my biggest regret, is not starting sooner considering how much i loved it. did pop warner for numerous years, then moved to allstars in 8th grade all the way till i graduated high school. however, im sure my parents are happy that i didnt start really young cause of the financial cost. ha.
My heart says yes, but if your answer was no, then the board is moot.
Honestly, you've gotten me through most of the Razzi's cheer careers, so without you there would be no me.
And if there was no you, I would have to change my answer to No.
So basically, my kids cheer for Just-a-Mom.


I'm just a ball of emotions today. How am I gonna work?

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I would do it all over again. My biggest regret is not really learning more about it before we started. I really had no idea all star cheer existed even though the Big Sis had wanted to be a "cha-cha" since she could speak. We jumped in head first without any idea of what was going on. I know both girls have learned life lessons about commitment, teamwork, and themselves that they probably wouldn't have learned without cheer.

I know my oldest would definitely love to cheer again. She never progressed in her tumbling and the small program we were in didn't really push her. The Littlest Sis plans to stay in it as long as she can.
I am not sure... I wish wish I knew MORE about it then - but we were just driving to gymnastics and saw the banner on the door and stopped in...when we first started I was married, with no financial worries...had one cp in it at age 4 for fun - she's a tiny woo-hoo, then another wanted to do it - now I have 2 minis a 1 and a 2 woo-hoo...had help - (my family, sitters) no travel at this age - maybe a 2.5 hour drive to Orlando but that's it ... fast forward a few years I am a single mom, do not have the financial luxury as I did before, no help and 2 kids full into it with travel from FL to Atlanta, Dallas etc.. At least I was able to pack up and move cross country to get some family help/support but looking back I think I would still do it but do it a heck of a lot differently. I would not have started cp at 4 knowing I would have to do this for over a decade times 2...I would have had them both wait and I would have let them do other things first as well...and I would make sure I had help - car pools, friends etc. and budget better - in the beginning I was not even signed up for hotel points those first few years. Because we began so early I am wondering if they will burn out. NO one on our original tiny or mini team is still cheering...for whatever I am not really sure. Probably yes but started later...

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