About 30 miles from the epicenter. No biggie, seriously. I was outside, but I watched the windows of my building shimmy. It was kinda sweet :D
They evacuated before the aftershock(s) but only because our phones are screwy and we are on the 4th floor of our building - they didn't design earthquakes into the blueprints for buildings here. Verizon & Sprint seem to have the most trouble with cell coverage, but cheap old virgin mobile and t-mobile had no issues at all. No serious injuries are being reported, no fatalities, no MAJOR damage.
Our potted ficus tree fell over, my water cup fell off the coaster and I can't find one of my cats. Food Lion in Louisa (very close to the epicenter) is kinda wrecked on Aisle 3, but other than that, VA made it through like a champ!
Is this what it takes for Virginia to get talked about on The Board?? 'Bout time, y'all...