What about when you leave a gym that goes from Large Gym to Small Gym? You've been loyal to the gym for 5 years plus, but they are going to have to move to the small gym division and you have 2 Worlds winning programs in your town within a 15 minute drive of your house? You leave and the gym is furious? They bad mouth you personally for the entire season, pictures of your daughter end up on social media in a negative light and it's a rough year socially the first year because of the torment from the old gym? Everything is great at the new gym! Does it sound like I am speaking from experience? You also paid the old gym competition fees in full and they refused to refund them. So essentially 2016-2017 you paid cheer twice.
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Ignore them the best you can and focus on yourself.
I had a very similar experience. I left my first gym after 8 years. Both of my parents coached there. My brother also cheered for a few years. My mom was the owners right hand (wo)man. My family was there towards the beginning when they didn't even have a gym and we were practicing in the basement of the local Boys and Girls Club. Fast forward 8 years, they established their own gym with two floors, they grew from 1 team to 5 teams, they had multiple banners hanging up on their walls, and my entire family was involved with EVERYTHING the whole time. And then it started falling apart and for a combination of reasons my mom wanted to stop coaching and I wanted to leave to go to Gym B.
My mom sent an email explaining that our family was done and that I would be cheering for Gym B the next season, who was the rival gym of Gym A. (To make it more dramatic, Gym A and Gym B were in the same building up until my last year at Gym A. Their doors were literally less than 100 steps apart, they shared a parking lot.) We were very civil about it, I remained close with my friends there throughout the summer. The gym owner though twisted the truth about what had happened and lied to everyone about how we left. A few months later, I went to a public appearance they were making at the state fair to support my remaining friends and one of my old coaches of 6 years (also the gym owners husband) started to loudly berate me before their performance and I left crying. It was a real shock to see that reaction, epecially from him, and it was very humiliating. After that, the communications from my friends ont he team stopped, I was unfriended on social media, given the cold shoulder/nasty glances from teammates who I was very close to, etc. It hurt a lot but my time at Gym B was great - my teams were great, my coaches were great, I loved it, and thats what I focused on. I got to end my cheer career the best way I could have asked for.
The more you ignore it, the faster it will go away. And the more you focus on thriving at the new gym, the better its going to feel.
PS - I'm not a person who feels the need to get back at people for things, but the best feeling after all of that was throwing my RO BHS tuck at a local competition and knowing a coach from Gym A, who told me I'd never get a RO BHS because I was too fat, was watching. And then during awards, the coaches who humiliated me and put my family through the ringer watched my team win first against a local powerhouse team, win level champions, and recieve a full paid bid to US Finals (back when it was a big deal).
I hope your daughter gets to experience something similar to that. Success is the best way to get back at them, IMO.