All-Star End Of Year Awards Banquet?

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bring your own chairs and sit with your friends. pretty sure the only people that wouldnt want you there are the god-forsaken owner maybe a couple bratty kids and their ultra-cheer parents.

you shouldnt have to be invited. you paid and she cheered all season long. thats an automatic invite that can't be rescinded.
When CP was switching AS gyms, we had quietly and discreetly done our research on her new gym, or so we thought, but of course, her current gym found out. We would finish out the season and then leave. We felt that she had outgrown the gym and it was time for her to move on. The coaches would make negative comments and derogatory statements in front of the entire team about my CP and in front of her but my CP knew it was only a matter of time and she was moving on-she was thick skinned and had a strong will. Her friends and teammates NEVER let what the coaches said about my CP affect their relationships with her, with those friendships carrying on for years after she left, even though there was a 'bash board' in their gym with negative pictures and comments about her posted there (her friends informed her all the time of what was on there). Bottom line: adults are the petty, immature, grudge-holding ones, and the kids are the ones who do what they believe in their hearts what is right to do. My CP's friends knew what the coaches were doing wasn't right and they understood that CP did what she thought was best for her and they are all so happy for her accomplishments and her courage to leave to challenge herself. Sometimes it's best to chalk it up as an experience and move on. Those who truly care about your CP will be there for her and will mean the most to her in the end. To this day, those coaches still have animosity toward CP but 'claim' her achievements are due to their training, but wouldn't she have stayed there if they were providing the training she needed there?

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That is sad that a coach/gym owner is so childish and mean to have a bash board, and treat kids to poorly, do they think this is the way to keep current athletes? A business is a business. If the consumer is not getting what is the right "product" for the payment or not treated with respect, then expect a few people not to return. Wake up up coaches!

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That is sad that a coach/gym owner is so childish and mean to have a bash board, and treat kids to poorly, do they think this is the way to keep current athletes? A business is a business. If the consumer is not getting what is the right "product" for the payment or not treated with respect, then expect a few people not to return. Wake up up coaches!

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Unfortunately these coaches are never going to change. What amazes me are the number of people who are willing to put up with that kind of a behavior from an adult working with kids. And the more successful a gym or a team is, the more willing seemingly intelligent parents are to drink the koolaid and put on blinders to these behaviors.

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I think it's a tough call to be honest. My girlfriend is the gym owner so I hear everything first hand. And I've also been witness to some crazy stuff also.

People need to realize that a gym owner has a business to run and decisions to make and they won't always be right, but in the moment they feel right.. Some parents When unhappy will move on quietly and respectfully and others will try and burn your organization to the ground on the way out. And the problem lies with the fact that it could make completely happy parents doubt something about a program, that isn't even an issue, just because they are listening to someone who isn't happy.

Example is, we had a student leave practice early twice without telling a coach, because she had plans. Coach turns around and she is gone. turns out those plans were made after she was on the team and knew the schedule.. a few other things happened and she was removed from the team completely. The parent happened to be a substitute teacher and noticed one of the cheer girls in her class... began to trash our gym saying we didn't know what we were doing and that they left because she fears for her daughter's safety. Out right lie just to try and make herself not look stupid... if people don't know the situation that can have a really bad affect for your gym..

So while I don't necessarily agree with the owners response I definitely know why it was done. To try and keep the drama to a minimum. In general a lot of people will listen to other people and think they know what they are talking about when in fact they don't. I've seen a completely happy team of parents get completely upset, just from listening to one unhappy parent trash a gym. Once everything came to light the parents found out that what they were told didn't happen they forgot about it... but what happens if they leave before they find out the truth...

We have our banquet before anyone's tryouts... that way once our last comp is done we are done..
Im sorry you had to deal with this. Not surprised though.
Luckily, our gym owner is awesome. We were in the talks to move and she told us to let her know where we were moving and she would put CP's name out to gyms in the new area. She is never bitter when kids leave, she still goes up and hugs thems and wishes them good luck at comps, if she sees them.
But that's the thing, you are leaving. Why does that gym owner want to give you the chance to have audience with the entire program so you could recruit others to leave? Not saying you would but that is one of the thought processes they are having.

I do understand this point. I just find it sad that they don't have enough confidence in their program. Our intent would be to celebrate and recognize the athletes from the season that just ended. There is no recruiting to be done. I don't receive any discounts for bringing more familes to the other gym. I feel that every family just has different needs/wants out of a program. I guess the owners just have to assume the worse senerio... since they never took the time to get to know us personally. Unfortunately, their assumptions and "unvitations" to so many families regarding the banquet has created some negative PR. People, including myself, that may have recommended their program to others... will probably no longer do so
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It's time to make lemonade. This is a perfect opportunity to show your daughter you can't always control the situation, but you can make the most of it. Have her put on the dress she bought for the banquet, go out to dinner, and talk about the new season and all that she has accomplished. Take selfies, smile big, and move along with no bitterness, the sweetest revenge to be had. I hope you all have a great next season!
I think it's a tough call to be honest. My girlfriend is the gym owner so I hear everything first hand. And I've also been witness to some crazy stuff also.

People need to realize that a gym owner has a business to run and decisions to make and they won't always be right, but in the moment they feel right.. Some parents When unhappy will move on quietly and respectfully and others will try and burn your organization to the ground on the way out. And the problem lies with the fact that it could make completely happy parents doubt something about a program, that isn't even an issue, just because they are listening to someone who isn't happy.

Example is, we had a student leave practice early twice without telling a coach, because she had plans. Coach turns around and she is gone. turns out those plans were made after she was on the team and knew the schedule.. a few other things happened and she was removed from the team completely. The parent happened to be a substitute teacher and noticed one of the cheer girls in her class... began to trash our gym saying we didn't know what we were doing and that they left because she fears for her daughter's safety. Out right lie just to try and make herself not look stupid... if people don't know the situation that can have a really bad affect for your gym..

So while I don't necessarily agree with the owners response I definitely know why it was done. To try and keep the drama to a minimum. In general a lot of people will listen to other people and think they know what they are talking about when in fact they don't. I've seen a completely happy team of parents get completely upset, just from listening to one unhappy parent trash a gym. Once everything came to light the parents found out that what they were told didn't happen they forgot about it... but what happens if they leave before they find out the truth...

We have our banquet before anyone's tryouts... that way once our last comp is done we are done..

Thank you, I appreciate the perspective and can understand how things can get exaggerated and out of control. Since our situation consisted of multiple families being "unvited"... maybe the gym just couldn't take a chance of there being a negative mouth runner in the group. I still find it very sad though for the kids. Some of the kids are YOUTH age and a few of them were crossovers. I think it wouldn't have felt so hurtful if initially they still allowed the kids to attend. But on the other side, I know sometimes kids just repeat everything they hear from their parents which could be problematic. Oh I don't know! What's done is done... moving on.
It's time to make lemonade. This is a perfect opportunity to show your daughter you can't always control the situation, but you can make the most of it. Have her put on the dress she bought for the banquet, go out to dinner, and talk about the new season and all that she has accomplished. Take selfies, smile big, and move along with no bitterness, the sweetest revenge to be had. I hope you all have a great next season!

Wonderful advice! Thank you!
Unfortunately there is bad gyms/coaches. (In all sports). The job of a parent is to find out what one is the better fit for the athlete and family. We have been at one gym (aka family :). ) and am extremely happy with the coaches/owners! We have experienced recently at Worlds the bad seed athlete, but she has left and looking forward to a great season next year as tryouts start tonight!

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Thank you, I appreciate the perspective and can understand how things can get exaggerated and out of control. Since our situation consisted of multiple families being "unvited"... maybe the gym just couldn't take a chance of there being a negative mouth runner in the group. I still find it very sad though for the kids. Some of the kids are YOUTH age and a few of them were crossovers. I think it wouldn't have felt so hurtful if initially they still allowed the kids to attend. But on the other side, I know sometimes kids just repeat everything they hear from their parents which could be problematic. Oh I don't know! What's done is done... moving on.

Your welcome, and it is unfortunate. I think every situation would require different things. It's just like everything in this world, a few bad apples can ruin things for everyone.. I'm just trying to give a different view, and inform people on one possible reason for what a coach/owner may do in different situations. But it's definitely speculation on my part.

I wouldn't take it personally, if I had to guess I would think it's because of what I mentioned earlier, not because they dislike you or your CP. But again that's just speculation on my part..
A gym near us did something similar. This gym also spends every waking moment stalking our gym and trying to find us doing something wrong do she can report us. She also threw a kid out of her program for coming to our beginning of year showcase. This girl came to it because her friend is in our gym and she wanted to support her. It's so dumb because she is losing kids left and right. This quote is perfect for her...."winners focus on winning; losers focus on winners".

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A gym near us did something similar. This gym also spends every waking moment stalking our gym and trying to find us doing something wrong do she can report us. She also threw a kid out of her program for coming to our beginning of year showcase. This girl came to it because her friend is in our gym and she wanted to support her. It's so dumb because she is losing kids left and right. This quote is perfect for her...."winners focus on winning; losers focus on winners".

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See that is unacceptable in my opinion... we have a girl on our team that has A cousin at a different gym. They both go back and forth to the different open gyms.

I love that quote by the way.. who said it do you know? I'll probably have to steal it if you don't mind!!!
Even though my past gym did not uninvite anyone from the banquet they did have the banquet about 3 weeks after the season ended. Try outs had already happended everyone knew who was and wasn't coming back, it was a VERY uncomfortable situation! Especially for the coaches who had decided not to return, who were basically treated like visitors and not like staff of the program. The structure had shifted for the upcoming year even though the event was for the past year. The easiest fix for this is to hold the banquet immediately after the season and definitely before your program tryouts.

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