All-Star Even The Simpilest Skills In Cheer Are Dangerous?

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One of our boys fell on his head doing a toe touch... but he'll stick a triple full with unlaced high tops! It's unfair really...
just curious who it is...cause that sounds like something rob divo would do lol
A girl I cheered with once tore every ligament in her ankle doing a roundish from her knees warming up, weirdest injury I ever saw cheering.
So back a couple years ago when ariels were still allowed in level 3 I was attempting to get mine back from my gymnastics days. I landed a few, got excited and wanted to show my coach. I went for one, got kinda scared, and ended up putting my hand down. The worst part is after it I got angry that I couldn't do it and jumped and 3rd degree sprained my ankle. Not even doing the ariel itself, but jumping in anger after... :oops:
Who was it that pulled a scorpion in her friend's dorm room and dropped her leg too fast, breaking her foot on a coffee table? ohhh right... that was me :oops:
I once badly sprained my ankle coming down from a pop up. I felt skilled.
I also know someone coming down from a THIGH STAND who sprained their ankle really badly. And another girl who stepped out of load weird and also sprained her ankle. In both cases the swelling looked like there were golf ball sized tumors in their ankles. :/
i have two toe touch stories, one we were warming up i was in jeans for some reason in like 7th grade did a toe touch and ripped them and my coach made me walked into the gym with the rip in them, nice right? and at a comp about 2months ago i did a toe touch and i have no idea how i did it but i fell right on my one coach was like uhh dont do that tomorrow that is like a 3 point deduction.. hahaha
one time on a level 6 team at my gym, their ending pose was that a group of girls did a thigh stand, and after they had just done it full out like really good at practice, the girl (stepping out of a THIGH STAND) fell, and broke her ankle...
Oh Yeah! This one girl, that was on like a level 1 team, was busy messing around at practice, and jumping around and doing cartwheels. and she got so dizzy on one, she put the wrong leg out in front and ate mat! she broke her leg and sprained her wrist.
@GA_WILL partially tore his ACL (or something like that) taking a knee on the front of the mat in his routine.

My senior year I was a main and we had just finished the pyramid at practice. We bumped down to a smush and the side base set the flyers foot out before I set mine out and she tore ligaments in her ankle. Literally going from 2 feet off the ground.

Same thing happened to the team I coach this year. We were just stunting around working on stuff, not doubling because we didn't want anyone to get too worn out. One group finished and bumped down from a heel stretch and the flyer came down wrong on her back leg and tore her ACL and went out for the season. Come to think of it, try outs are next week and she STILL can't tumble. You get injured doing the most STUPID little stuff in cheer.

Not a cheer story but my aunt slipped a disk in her back sneezing. haha. Kind of funny but super painful for her.