you drop a flyer, i drop kick you.
i have never let my flyer hit the floor... ever. i feel i can take a elbow or a kick to the head, but my flyer can't take a fall to her neck/back. bruises heal. messed up spines don't.
Ive gotten broken noses catching flyers, but that doesnt mean there arent instances where its not possible.
My flyer on 5 last weekend was doubling from an aero and kamakazied like you wouldn't believe! She came down completely inverted *and* spinning. One of the bases got her arm (she almost pulled the flyers arm out of its socket), I got the waist, and the other base got a handful of shirt (which stopped her spin so it actually helped a lot).
The flyers chin still hit the floor, and it hit hard enough that her legs bent over my arms and did a double scorp kinda thing and kicked her in the head.
We all got the crap beat out of us trying to save her and all ended up on the floor. Yes, The flyer did hit the ground and was probably hurting more than us. But she now doesn't trust us to catch her and won't double down from single leg anymore.
We did *everything we could to get a grip on her, but it just wasnt in our ability. That doesnt mean its our fault. And that doesnnt give her reason to not trust us anymore. As the saying goes 'Sh*t Happens', you just gotta try as hard as you can to save her.
If nothing else, we slowed her down and stopped her spin. But sometimes, thats all you *can* do.