OT Fashion Pet Peeves.

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  • shorts/dresses that are so short, cheeks hang out (especially if they're high waisted shorts)
  • see through shirts with nothing but a bra underneath
  • basically anything showing too much skin
  • when its barely cold outside and girls load on their Uggs, scarves, turtlenecks, thick jackets, etc.
  • or wearing a jacket, a scarf, boots, and then a tiny skirt
  • when girls put their hair in a bun and then have a bow underneath the bun
  • printed leggings (it can be done right, but most of the time, just no.)
  • rompers and jumpsuits.
okay, I'm going to stop before this turns into a long ranting list.
Leggins in public - at home, in your room, in your bed. Okay. Outside of the house, no way. Especially when you're not 18 and athletic.

Flower prints. I just don't like them.

Skirts that are so short, that they should be called belt. Okay, you're skinny and hot and everything? Great. But do it classy.

Wide tops and no bra. I don't want to see what you have. If gifted or not so gifted, keep that for your boyfriend (or girlfriend) ;-)
I cannot stand Toms. And during my last two years of high school everyone was all about them. They even had a paint your own Toms things put on by National Art Honor Society.

Maybe people don't realize these are prison shoes. Like, you get issued these with your jumpsuit, tube socks and 6-digit number.
Maybe people don't realize these are prison shoes. Like, you get issued these with your jumpsuit, tube socks and 6-digit number.
Yes! And just because they have sparkles or wild print on them it does not make them any better.
I'm sorry but I love my toms!

  • Uggs with sparkles
  • Uggs when it's 60 F outside
  • Stripper heals (am I allowed to say that?) with jeans and a crop top to school
  • dresses that you would wear out to a fancy restaurant to school
  • Yoga pants that ride up so bad you can see everything
  • When pants are so low you can either a)see your underwear (I've been guilty of this unfortunately because even with a belt my pants don't like me) or b) see fat rolling over
  • This has been said before but taking the 3D glasses and popping the lenses out saying you're "nerdy".. NO! You don't even know nerdy until you talk to my boyfriend and I (Doctor Who and Star Wars obsessions....)
  • "Girl Gamers".. I know it's not really fashion but it ties in with the "nerd" glasses style..
I saw this and had to add it.
Shirts like this:
Honestly, I've done both and both are hard in their own ways. It's so freaking hard to catch a freaking 6 foot pole and NOT get bruised. It's also so freaking hard to throw and catch a 5'3" 100lb girl and not get bruised.
I agree with you. In my PE class, we always tried out different sports. We did guard for a few days. We only did the super basic stuff, but omg it was so hard! We did the flags and rifles, I don't think I caught it once. I was always dropping it and hitting myself. I just hate the whole "bashing other sports" thing. Every sport is difficult in their own way, there's no need to go around saying "my sport is harder than yours!"
I agree with you. In my PE class, we always tried out different sports. We did guard for a few days. We only did the super basic stuff, but omg it was so hard! We did the flags and rifles, I don't think I caught it once. I was always dropping it and hitting myself. I just hate the whole "bashing other sports" thing. Every sport is difficult in their own way, there's no need to go around saying "my sport is harder than yours!"
You got to try different sports in gym class BESIDES the standard volleyball and kickball? Lucky! I never made it to riffles (First year program and it was just crazy) but I feel they're easier than the flags.. I have multiple bruises from the flags.. SO not to take over this thread let's get back on topic..

I hate high-low dresses. Mainly because I'm still short even if I wear heels and they look awkward to me..
So I definitely wear Toms and leggings... mainly because I'm lazy. Toms are so much easier than putting on real shoes and leggings are just so comfortable!!!
(And why do I feel like there was some poster that was bashing toms and/or locks of love in a completely unrelated thread..?)

But back on topic, I think it looks super trashy when short shorts have the pockets sticking out below the shorts.
I cannot stand the whole mustache craze, like all the shirts and rings and even tattoos. It's not funny, it's not cool, it's not cute, stop it.
And not exactly a trend, but why are pants sizes completely random? I have jeans that are four different sizes but fit exactly the same. Can I get a little consistency please???
^^ I love mustaches <3 but I'm not obnoxious about it

I'm with the people who hate toms. My sister LOVES them but I hate them... I feel like they look like socks and you forgot your shoes. I also hate leggings as pants...
Sweats tucked into uggs. Unless you're having a sick day at home or something, you need to stop.
People (usually guys) who wear pants that are too short!
Clothes that don't fit right in general...
The whole spikey studs on everything trend. Like, it's scary... My friend has combat boots (a pet peeve in itself) with spiky studs and she moved her leg while sitting and SCRATCHED THE TILE. THAT'S SCARY.
Preppy girls in like combat boots, spikes, etc like no...
High low... Just stop
I also hate maxi dresses... It's fine like on the beach in the summer or something (well I still hate them but its understandable) but NEVER in Missouri. In October especially... STAHP

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