OT Favorite Movies - Top Ten List

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Rear Window! I should have named Rear Window. Hitchcock creeps me out but that movie was GOOD.
Pyscho -Dial M for Murder - The Birds, plus Rear Window are the Hitchcock movies I have seen. When I am changing channels if I see an old movie on I try and watch it - I think old movies are so classic and nostalgic, like a lost art form -I get intrigued lol
It makes me so happy to see the Sound of Music on so many people's lists! That will forever be my all time favorite.

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I should clarify that only the first half of the sound of music is my favorite. The movie is so long that the VHS came in a 2-tape set and I only ever watched the first one. the second one was all the war stuff and I hated it. but I was fortunate enough to have my great, great aunt alive for most of my life and up until she passed two years ago, she would always call me every time it was on tv and my mom and I would watch it over the phone with her all together. it will always have a special place in my heart :)
I should clarify that only the first half of the sound of music is my favorite. The movie is so long that the VHS came in a 2-tape set and I only ever watched the first one. the second one was all the war stuff and I hated it. but I was fortunate enough to have my great, great aunt alive for most of my life and up until she passed two years ago, she would always call me every time it was on tv and my mom and I would watch it over the phone with her all together. it will always have a special place in my heart :)
Oh I know about the 2 tape set! My aunt has it and I love to borrow it haha. Aww that's such a great memory to have!

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-Schindler's List
-Forrest Gump
-Remember the Titans
-The Simpsons Movie
-A League of Their Own

(I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies or the Bring it On movies.....)

Have you seen Schindler's List multiple times? I can't even stomach to watch that movie once... It was brilliant and I learned to love it for the masterpiece that it was when I had to write a term paper on it but no thank you. Once was enough for my lifetime.
Ok my favorite movies are all kind of off for me but they all make me bawl my eyes out and I love movies that make me cry.

1. Touchback
It's a football movie but the best movie I have ever seen. Like it takes you through so many emotions. It is awesome.

2. Friday Night Lights - also a football movie but I love it! I love the story!

3. Blind Side - football movie again. Lol

4. Remember the Titans

5. kit kettridge : an American girl
Lol I watched this one time and it's so different from my normal taste but it's such a cute movie for not only kids but even adults!

6. Mary Poppins

7. Forrest Gump

8. Harriett the Spy

9. Legally blonde

10. fast times at ridgemont high

It just seriously makes me laugh lol

Followed closely by
grease, save the last dance, and love and love and basketball
I love "Best In Show." "Drop Dead Gorgeous" is an obscure one that if you like "Best In Show" you'll probably like too - it's a mocumentary like Best In Show, but instead about a small town teenage beauty pageant (great actors in it).

Little Miss Sunshine is great - I agree.

I like the movie "Election" a lot - it's a dark comedy w/ Reese Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick that I think is just genious (even though it's got a lot of adult content for a movie set in a high school, so warning that it is not for kids).

Other favorites of mine are "Moneyball" (and I don't even like Baseball), and "Catch Me if You Can".

As far as old school movies go, I like "Wall Street" and "Trading Places".

"Quiz Show" is another great movie that I forgot before.

Catch Me If You Can is a great movie! Crazy to think it's based on a true story!!
Lol because of Christopher Plummer?

@omgitssydthekid I hated the Jurassic Park movies! I was never into dinosaurs, and could never understand how the characters got themselves into so much trouble.

We talked about this in Twitter but Christopher Plummer is is d***n good looking in that movie.

Also I have always wanted to learn the dance they do from the movie ( the lendler..spelling?) just looks so cool. Forget twerking, that dance is so much better than people moving their butts up and down...
I don't know if these are my favorites, but here are 10 that I will always watch:

1. Carrie (the original. I watch it at least once a month. I. Love. This. Movie.)

2. Top Gun (I don't know why. When I was in middle school, I went and saw it THIRTEEN times in the theater. I still love it)

3. Crash

4. Cruel Intentions

5. Forrest Gump

6. Sixteen Candles

7. To Sir, With Love

8. New Jack City

9. Cold Mountain

10. (saving this spot - I'm sure someone will post something I forgot and I'll want to add it!)
I love New Jack City. And you're killing me with the original Carrie. I think I had a crush on William Katt.
In no particular order:

The Devil Wears Prada
Stick It
The Blind Side
The Ninth Gate
Devil's Advocate
Point Break
Legally Blonde
Pitch Perfect
Reality Bites
The Lords of Dogtown
Jerry Maguire

I just could not stop at 10. There are definitely more, I think I need more of a Top 25 list.
I love New Jack City. And you're killing me with the original Carrie. I think I had a crush on William Katt.
New Jack City is something that just stayed with me. Maybe it was my age when I first saw it, I don't know. But it made such an impression on me. I literally think about at least one scene from that movie a couple times a week.

Lol at William Katt. Such a cutie. That movie is just so good. So creepy!

In no particular order:

The Devil Wears Prada
Stick It
The Blind Side
The Ninth Gate
Devil's Advocate
Point Break
Legally Blonde
Pitch Perfect
Reality Bites
The Lords of Dogtown
Jerry Maguire

I just could not stop at 10. There are definitely more, I think I need more of a Top 25 list.

I'll add The Blind Side too... Such a good one!

Idp just watched Centre Stage for the first time last summer. She's now seen it about 10 more times. At her showcase a couple weeks ago, one of the raffle prizes was an autographed pair of red pointe shoes. She was about to expire from wanting me to win them so badly, all because of that movie. Lol (I didn't win them, and now I'm searching out how to get them for her birthday. But that's when I won that dermaplaning/dermabrasion package, so at least I'll look good during my search!)