All-Star Favorite Team Moments

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Jan 29, 2011
I know there threads on fravorite moments as a cheerleader or encounters with athlete, I want to know true best moment as a team or dealing with a team.

For me, it has to be from HS cheer. For years we have had a last place finish and for the last two years we have improved tremendously. This year after performing the coach of the top team in our county made it a point to tell us that we looked amazing and she had never seen us look that way ever. Then later hearing a similar sentiment from the judges. Deft was a confidence booster.
My favorite team moment ever was about 4 or 5 years ago. I was on a Youth 2 team. We had won every competition all year, all at the last competition a stunt fell. This was the only time anything had fallen in our routine all year. We were so worried we weren't going to win. When they announced us as first place, and we realized that we had an undefeated season, something no team from our gym had ever done before, it was an indescribable feeling.
My favorite team moment was the year at UCA high school nationals when we hit in prelims. It felt so good walking of the nationals mat for my last time ever after a great performance. I'll love that team forever<3
In Indy this year we were in second day one by a very small margin because we had a tumble touch down I think. We knew going out on day 2 If we hit we would possibly win and we were all so excited and nervous. Once our stunts hit I knew we could do it. Well we did. After the music turned of we all were acting like monkeys jumping around and hugging each other. I was bawling because I had never loved the 31 other people on my team so much before and experienced so much teamwork to reach a goal. It was amazing..... And then we all cried again when we won :)
A few...

1) Our Lrg sr coed 4 coming from third to first at our first ever CHEERSPORT nationals as a second year gym. My CPs weren't on that team but it didn't matter, I cried!

2) my son's Lrg Jr Coed 3 this past season (and my daughter actually filled in for an injury for this performance) at All levels in Atlanta. They finished first or second all year (more close seconds than firsts) and 45 seconds into their routine the unthinkable happened....nothing. As in, NO MUSIC! That's never happened to us before. They didn't even miss a count. Rocked it out like the music was still on and killed their routine. The crowd made me cry, the entire arena was screaming counts and Top Dog ran up to the front to count it out with us. They placed first and ended up the all levels runner up for that division.

3) my daughters team, a sm jr 4 that was fierce all year but also had fierce competition. They won here and there it had more scoring disappointments than not. All levels in Atlanta they completely decimated their routine! They were phenomenal and they were so incredibly proud of themselves for finally hitting it big, even they didn't care about the placements. I've never been so proud of some crazy mature 9-14 year olds!

I posted both of those videos here in some thread, might be the brag thread, but I can't remember where.
Back in like 2004, when we had the Youth Large Advanced division...we were in second the first day at Cheersport. I remember watching the team in first on day 2 and literally at the last second of the routine an extension fell to the ground and in my mind I was thinking, OMG we could win this. Then of course hearing the team called second was like the most wonderful moment ever. I don't even remember our name being called because I didn't care at that point I knew we had won. My coach was in tears, it was the best feeling ever. In 2204, cheersport was like 1 of 3 competitions that actually meant something if you won, much like it is today but there are a few more added, so to win that was probably my most memorable moment.
I've posted this on other threads,but oh well.It just has a lot of meaning to me.
Cheer Extreme Twinkle Stars, 2003-2004. Youth Novice. My first national championship (back when there weren't many and it was actually kind of a real title), and my first national title.You can just see in our faces how proud we were to walk away with those ugly windbreakers!

*both seasons following this one we were an undefeated team. never forget where it all started!
my 2nd is from this past season.after our 2nd competition,I got addded to senior 4 to help out.The girls were SO welcoming.By the first practice,I was placed as backspot for the point stunt during our first stunt,front row of baskets,and point of our 3/4 ups.No stress or anything...I was pretty stressed!I knew if any one of my stunts fell,it would be tragic.So my groups came in early,and stayed late for several weeks of practice leading up to a big national.
National Comp comes,my stunts hit,we place 3rd.
The weekend after,there was a regional comp, and we were determined to make a comeback.Our division had 7 or 8 teams.We honestly didn't expect much.They announced second place,and it wasn't us.We had won.Completely unexpected.We waited around till grand champions were awarded their plaques just for the heck of it.
"Your level 4 grand champion is...Carolina Spirit Athletics Senior Black Diamonds!"
we did it.This team came SO far in that short period, we didn't even imagine we could achieve this title, and I'm glad to say I was a CSA Black Diamond!

btw-our gym had a clean sweep at this comp, and got grand champs for levels 1 & 3 as well :)
last year Nationals, we had three squads, two of which had not won all season. our highest level was at that stage undefeated.
Nationals all our squads came first! we were so excited for ourselfs, our teammates and our fellow club moments. they called our three division after each other. and we just went crazy (at the correct time when our name was called) it was a very proud moment for us.
My favorite memory from the one year I did all stars was at WSF: King of the South. Our team was Junior Level 3. The only competition we had won so far was regionals when we weren't against anyone and the competition before, Spirit Sports Sunshine Shootout, we had come in second to, i believe, Top Gun. I don't remember much as it was 7th grade but we won AND got grand champs. I remember being back at the gym getting our jackets and taking pictures. It was all such a rush! It was so exciting!

My favorite HS cheer memory is the one competition we did this past season. We didn't start learning out routine until about 2 months before while Varsity had been working since summer. We were so excited and nervous during Warmups. We went out and everything hit. We were so excited! During awards it came down to the final two: us and another local school who had been our main rival in football. One would place and the other wouldn't. When they called our team's name we all went crazy. It was defenitly a great day :)
My favorite moment was last year at State we all thought we had lost (like not even placed) because our pyramid fell and a stunt was a little weird. So we were leaving as they were calling names, then boom 1st place. Ozark was called and we all screamed and through everything down. Best feeling in the world
At Nationals, our music stopped about, 10 seconds in, right before standing tumbling started. We had a deduction free routine. We definitely connected on a different level and became a much stronger team because of that for the rest of the season.
I have a few first season of allstar on youth 2, our coach had told us that we had a big competition commingled up and if we did good we'd get jackets. I hadn't won a jacket ever, and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. When we went to that comp we performed our hearts out. At awards they called the rival and then us. My friend had to lift me up so I could celebrate because I had zoned out in anticipation. That trash bag jacket was everything. We were the only team to bring home a tittle that day.

On J3 we had a rough season and a lot of close losses. So we went to a local that gave away hoodies and thought it would redeem us. We had a pyramid hobble and like two tumble busts
from girls who were brought up as replacements and never left. I was crushed. So when we went to awards, we prepared for a second place finish but was surprised when they called the other team in2nd. We had never been so excited for a win. Apparently the other tram had a drop basket and had weak motions. That was the first time I actually understood that motions matter
In 2008 (8th grade year) I cheered rec & at our rec league competition we have a huge rival. While preforming we put on the best show of our whole season!
But during awards we were stripped of our three-year long title and placed 2nd.
Later that night, our coach got a call & apparently our scores were mis-calculated and we actually won by 20 points! :D
We may have not of gotten our moment to celebrate in front of everyone but it still meant a lot that we won :)
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