All-Star Fierceboarders Attending Worlds 2011.

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elitepanthers- erin!(: I'll be there starting either thursday or friday. and my shirt will have my user name on the back of it!
I will be there! First time! Can't wait. I will also be tanning.
I'll be there, my first time ever and the first from my country to go to worlds!!!!

still looking for roommates too!

we should take a shark picture together
Rudags - Kyle - Platinum Athletics
I'll be there!
PghxCheer2- Chelsea
I'll be easy to find. Just look for the best looking person in the entire building and that's me. I'll also be rooting on the best team in the VIP section (Fire and Ice 5alarm). And for everyone else's safety, I'll probably be out of the VIP section and on the side of the floor convulsing if Senior Elite and Sharks both hit Day 2.
Yay, I booked my flight tonight!! (should've done it months ago when it was $100 cheaper) BUT I'M GOING!!!! Woohoo!!!
--Katy (I will be one of the one's not drowning :))
Finally booked my flight! Soo excited! Please come up and introduce yourself, I love to meet new people!
We'll be there too as spectators. Anyone else staying at the All-Star Sports Resort? We have a preferred room and wondering if we should overlook the football field or the pool? Checking in on Friday early so we have plenty of time to hang out and meet up!
tuckxandxtwist - Kimberly :)
Getting in Thursday, leaving late Monday, staying at Sports!
i'll be there all day saturday / sunday, but competing at points (Fire and Ice I6).come cheer us on or just find me and say hi! :)