1. What do you think is the biggest gym in your state? Well, I don't live in any state, but a country. I would say Viqueens must be the biggest.
2. How many different gyms have you cheered for? Only 1
3. What is the closest gym to your house? The one I'm cheering for, Charmers. 11 minutes driving, tops!
4. Do you cheer at that gym or drive a ton of hours to a ‘better’ gym? Yes, I do cheer at that gym. I also live near Oslo, which is the capitol, so I have many possibilities. But Charmers is the best! :D
5. What gym do you wish you could cheer at if you lived in a different state? If I had the opportunity, Cheer Extreme. No doubt!
6. What are your favorite gym colors? Green, white and black
7. What is your favorite voiceover from the 2011 season? I don't have a favorite, but voiceovers from Senior Elite and WCSS
8. What level are you on? Level 6
9. What division is your team in for 2012? All female
10. What is your favorite tumbling skill (that you throw or just like to see)? Whips to full!! But that doesn't mean I can throw it...
11. Favorite stunting skill (that you do or like watching)? Ball up 360 tick-tock, and scorpion double down. IF the flyer can do it properly of course!
12. What’s your favorite gym ‘mascot/symbol’? We have a star as a symbol :- ) Because we're charmies hehe.
13. Quick, name the first Level 1 team that comes to mind. Stingrays Grape
14. First Level 2 team that comes to mind. Cheer Extreme Youth Silver
15. First Level 3 team to pop into your head. World Cup Little Dippers
16. First Level 4 team to enter your mind. Stingrays Black
17. First Level 4.2 team you think of. Cheer Extreme Senior Teal
18. First Restricted Level 5 team you think of. Cali SO5
19. First Level 5 team to pop into your head. Senior Elite
20. First Level 6 team you think of. Charmers All Stars
21. Favorite division to watch? Senior Level 5
22. How old were you when you started cheer? 14
23. What do you prefer: High School, Allstar, or College? All star
24. Favorite cheerleader(s)? Juliet Mccreary, Gabi Butler and Kiara Nowlin
25. Who is your cheer idol? Don't have one
26. Right leg or left leg stunting? Left
27. If you owned a gym what would you name it? Team names? Umm.. I'm not really creative
28. Do you like any gyms from another country? Bankok
29. Full top or crop top uniforms? CROP
30. Do you think any other levels like Senor 4.2 would work (ex: Mini 3.5)? ........ Sure, but I'm not going to be able to keep track