In my opinion, it's not gym hopping that can to my mind, but rather the season has already gotten underway and a change is happening. I don't know the circumstances...maybe she had to leave the Atlanta area for reasons beyond's just now a team has lost one of their members and must recover. I'm certain, she was choreographed in the routine as to showcase her skills. Now, Trinity has to find a replacement and let's face it, that can't be an easy task. I've seen countless posts over the years on proX and now fierceboard, where people have asked for opinions on switching gyms mid year. Time and time again, the consensus is wait until the season is over. Don't quit a team after a routine has been choreographed, etc. It seems like a double standard to me, because of who she is. I wish this young lady success, I truly do. This is purely my observation of the situation as it has been presented.