Some kids leave their families and move across the country to try to be a singer or actor. She's trying to peruse her life goals too. Maybe it's "just cheer" to a lot of people but it's her passion.
I think it's great that she's passionate. I don't know much about her, but if there is one thing I've gathered from watching her videos, it's that she is very dedicated to her sport. Unlike some other 'cheerlebrities', I truly think she is a positive role model.
So, kudos to her for pursuing her goals. But, you have to understand, in order to be a top caliber, World Champion cheerleader you don't have to move across the country.
Generally speaking, if you want to be a successful actor or singer you need to live in either Los Angeles or New York. That is why so many aspiring actors do relocate. This is not the case with cheer. Yes, some regions are more advantageous than others when it comes to quality gyms. But, c'mon, the girl lives in freaking Georgia, not Boofoo Land, Wyoming.
Don't get me wrong, California Allstars is incredible. But, so are Stingrays, Georgia, ACE, Top Gun, get the idea.