here's what I don't understand, and I'd love for someone with better knowledge on the legalities of this to explain it to me
So FloCheer/VarsityTV records a routine. Their recording of the team is copyrighted, so any reposting of said video will 100% result in a copyright claim (and rightfully so).
Someone records the same routine at the same competition, uploads it to youtube. This video isn't owned by Varsity/Flo. And most times these videos are not being monetized on youtube. UNLESS it's a competition where FloCheer/Varsity prohibit video, how is any of Flo/VTV's actions legal? Varsity clarified the video policy last year saying personal videoing was 100% allowed, they just meant that videoing for commercial use (think Smoed's series) was prohibited.
I honestly believe if Stingrays got copyright claims on their routine videos they could easily dispute them with Youtube. Someone brought up a good point that routines are technically copyrighted in nature, since it is creative work (correct me if I'm wrong). I know choreography can easily be copyrighted. Does competing at these events give unwritten permission to Varsity/Flo to profit off of copyrighted work? Is this written anywhere in registration for events? Can teams opt-out of having their team livestreamed/recorded by Varsity for profit?
I'm just thinking out loud here so please correct me on anything that's wrong. I just don't understand how Flo/Varsity can copyright claim/copystrike Stingray's Youtube when the content of the video is Stringray's creative work.
Regardless of all of that legal crap, it's still outrageous to me that they charge like $30 a MONTH for their content. So ridiculous.