Ladies and gentlemen of this thread let me shed some light on this situation. First off bamacheerguy post is backed by a personal grudge that has been fuming for years. Second off its kind of ironic that he is asking for advice when last year he put a 20 year old on his sen 3 team and let him compete at WSA New Orleans and Destin. As far as his niece is concerned you guys are not getting the whole story, his sister in law never signed a contract, the child was offered to be placed on a Sen 1 or 2 team until she got her tumbling skills they even offered for her to tumble for free, they were unaware that she aged out and never officially placed her on a team, because when asked the parent said she was on a JR 2 team last year. The statement being sued never came out of anyone's mouth at the gym, it was told to the sister in law by bamacheerguy wife. I have asked bamacheerguy to apologize on this thread for his lies but he has chosen not to. Bamacheerguy is supposed to be a man of God( an ordained minister) but yet what he is doing and the lies he has told shows that he is very unchristian like. Currently his niece moved to gym O ( that's what we will call it) because his sister in law is so embarrassed by the drama that he has stirred up. I would like to remind you that this untruthful individual will be judging at competitions when he lacks the basic morals and values, this man informed his parents that he was leaving for FL a week before the Destin Competition and left families outraged. Also he left owing a numerous amount of families money and had the means of paying it back but chose not to. The reason why I know he can pay the money is because he had to sell his home and move everything and everyone and since he left for FL he has vacationed in Disney bought Maroon 5 tickets for his family and flew his former foreign exchange student to his home. My point is this do not try to discredit an organization when you yourself are corrupt. My girls cheered for him the last year on two teams and my God daughter is currently at the gym he is trying to discredit and her parents has nothing but great things to say about that organization. I know the sister in law from last cheer season and has spoken to her about this. So if you know the gym he is referring to please judge them for yourself and not based off of what bamacheerguy has to say about them. It's not fair to the kids who cheer there.