OT Girl Trouble

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You sound like a sweet person and you deserve so much better than her. I like to believe that good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Obviously something better is in store for you so just be patient and keep your head up.
That girl was seriously stupid!! From what I can tell you are really nice and would do anything to make someone you love happy. Just let it all out. Cry, write, sleep, lock your self in your room.. Take some time to recoup and show her you don't need her weighing you down. If you ever need any advice feel free to come to me. I'm willing to listen and do my best to help you out.. I went through a lot if drama last year involving guys but I got over it and didn't let them bring me down. My friends all come to me with their problems so I just want you to know that I'm a safe haven and will help you to the best if my abilities. Us fierceboarders got your back :D <3
You should ask her what happened. Tell her that you love her and how you feel and that the least she can do for you is be honest.
she broke up with me maybe im just dumb .. but i did everything in my heart to make her a$$ happy.. she texted me saying this after i asked about the pic on jan 14 " we shouldnt see eachother anymore ... u make me unhappy... i jus need to be single im more a flirt then a dater .. i didnt mean to say love to you cause i only said it too make you happy ... sorry .. but i only thought u were hot... i grew tired of you.. sorry"

i broke up with another girl because this girl told me she would treat me better .. the other one was cheating already .. i would have done anything for her.. anything.. but now i cry .. i dont sleep .. i dont eat.. i jus lay.. i lost my scholarships.. lost my grades... she turned my world inside out then imploded it

U deserve wayyyy better than her. She isn't worth your time anyway. It might take some time to get over her but you are definetly not stupid. She is the one who lost here, you are the better person. It also helps to talk to your friends about it and let it all out. I also have been going through a lot of drama with guys lately and I know how you feel in a way... Now you don't have to deal with the drama anymore at least and you'll find someone better than her. Just keep your head up cuz it will get better, i know it:)
Be glad, that she broke up, if you are in love and would forgive her and she will do it again. Remember: Who did it ones, will do it twice. Who knows what she would do in the future if you didn´t expose her. Now it´s hard for you, but it is better that this happend now. You should get over it, try to fix more on your hobbies, that´s helped me, when i was in a broken love.
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Take some time to really feel like crap. It's ok. Lock yourself in your room, cry, write, cry in the shower....whatever you need to do. It's OK and normal. Just don't let it take you over. In a few days start back into your normal social routine.
Just remember, that you are better off without her, cause she sounds like a trashy girl.
now this brings a huge point .. maybe because im almost 18 and shes only 15 (turn 16 in march)... maybe she isnt mature enough (her mom sure as hell aint yetlol ) .. maybe i was dumb for tryna keep her for me .. maybe i held to tight .. cause i knew i was loosing grip ... but i know some how its my fault .. cause im always the one who get left :(
UPDATE: things are going ok (with me that is ).. havent cried since MissBee first posted.. i told her and the rest of the worlds that it was time for me to move on... but now guess who is crying for me back .. she texted me " i knew u didnt love me ... u said u always would .. i cant ever believe u again" ... i said.. " b***h i dont neeeeed you to live or to move on .. I tried My best to make YOU happy but YOU ended it so its over .. go find someone else to play with like you did to my heart" .. she cried.. her mom callled and i explained it all and her mom agreed with me :) ... but i still feel upset .. i cant take wwen a girl cries.. no matter who it is i am always with them ... for them .. to comfort them .. i hate that i do it but thats wat i do .. my friends call me stupid cause if a girl is to find out should could manipulate me by just cry ing :(.. shes crying :/
Well, good for you!! You have your own life to live (: I get the whole being upset when she cries thing.. I don't like making people upset either. When they're upset, I'm upset. Just stay calm and remember you don't need her (:
Some advice from a mom, date girls your own age. A 15-year-old girl is too young to get serious with a boy/man who is almost 18. Please do not get so wrapped up in any girl that your grades drop and you lose scholarships. No young, immature girl is worth messing with your goals in life.
Some advice from a mom, date girls your own age. A 15-year-old girl is too young to get serious with a boy/man who is almost 18. Please do not get so wrapped up in any girl that your grades drop and you lose scholarships. No young, immature girl is worth messing with your goals in life.
i havent talked to her since :) ... im goin to see a movie with a 19 year today lol ;)
I actually usually date guys older than me (I'm 21 now people, it's ok :P) but that was because I'm mature. I can tell you from experience: My best guy friend dated a HS freshman when he was a HS senior. Everyone made fun of him for it (I personally thought the girl was an idiot. She was 14, acted like a 13 year old and looked 12.), but he really loved her and poured everything into his relationship. Once he moved off to college though, he realized how he needed someone more his own age. Now he's dating a girl only a year behind him.

My point being that I think, in my wizened old age of 21, that nowadays especially there should be an age limit on the term 'dating.' I'd go with about, ehh 16. Because anyone younger than that really has no concept of what an actual relationship should be. If you're younger than that, just hang out with guys and be friends with them. If you're about 15 and want to start being a bit more serious, maybe. But in just about anywhere at 15 you can barely drive. You basically see each other in school/school activities and when your parent can drop you off at the movies or maybe their house on the weekend. With that type of dependancy it's hard to try to form an actual dating relationship. 14 year old girls change boyfriends like they change clothes. There is a certain maturity required for serious relationships. And even then things aren't perfect (I have break-up stories that could curl your hair)..

My other advice: Same as everyone else. Relax, use this time to discover you, and learn from this experience. Realize how you are and how you act while in relationships so you can determine what works/what doesn't. Evolve. :D
Last year I went through a pretty bad break up with my boyfriend of a year. I loved him so much and he told me that he didn't love me anymore and he just wanted to fool around with other girls but that maybe later we could get back together. For weeks I was devastated. I cried myself to sleep and couldn't eat and basically went into depression. Then i started talking to this guy in history class. He started to show me that i was better than him and i didn't deserve him. A month later I started dating him and now we've been dating for almost a whole year. He treats me so much better then the last guy and really showed me that you can get over someone. It just takes time and someone to lean on. Everything will eventually get better I promise you.

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