All-Star Glad It's Not My Daughter!!

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Cheer Parent
Mar 2, 2011
We've all been there. Scanning through the photog's photo's, after your CP has competed. We've all run across that one photo that say it nicely......not a very nice pic for a young lady. Admit it......we all think to ourself "I'm glad that not my daughter in that pic. How embarrassing!!" Yep, I did it for nine years. Nine long years she made it without getting a pic with her underware showing, body parts coming out, or any type that would be un-lady like.

Yea, well our good luck ran out. Two years ago in New Orleans. It was a shot of a girl doing a bhs (basically looked like a backbend in a photo), away from the camera, with her legs spread a little too far apart for a lady. I passed right over it....didn't think it was my CP. A couple pics later something clicked in my head. "Did I see a black brace on the girls right arm??" I had to go back and check.

You could barly see the wrist, long sleeve uniform and her hands were farthest from that camera. I zoomed my old eyes in and.................CRAP!! Yep, they got her. There for all the world to see!! I was soooo embarressed! All I could think about was all the times I said "I'm glad that's not my daughter in that pic."

Now I know this a common in cheer. But for this rather modest ole gal, it was still embarressing. I have been on a mission, cheer or not, to raise a lady. That damn sure didn't look like a lady in that pic!! :confused:

Anyone else have this happen??
Did you ask them to remove the pic? One year we saw a pic of a girl- not on my daughters team who had for lack of a better word bled thru her briefs and the pic caught her mid toe touch- we asked the photo people to take it down and it came right off the screen. Very nice people and we hoped noone else saw the picture.
At State ALL of the pictures were taken of everyone with their legs open. Like all of them. They'd zoom in on the girls doing teddy bear stunts, toe touches, kicks, cradles (yes, the legs were apart in that) Round offs, back handsprings. It was embarassing. We talked to the photographers about how EVERY picture was taken when the legs were apart. They deleted all of the ones like that. Ended up out of 65 pictures only 10 were kept. :confused:
Did you ask them to remove the pic? One year we saw a pic of a girl- not on my daughters team who had for lack of a better word bled thru her briefs and the pic caught her mid toe touch- we asked the photo people to take it down and it came right off the screen. Very nice people and we hoped noone else saw the picture.

O. M. G!!!

I will FRAME a pic of my daughter doing a bhs before I want to see one like that of my daughter.

I thought about asking them to remove it, but just shoved it in the back of my mind with the knowledge they would prob delete all that were left.

I will say, nothing bad was showing. I don't know if anyone else figured out it was her (you had to really look at her hand to see a small bit of the brace). I do realize pics like this go up every comp. Most people would prob not give it a second look. I'm just a very modest person.

Honestly, I really did laugh about it even then. I just knew the Karma bus had come for me!! hahaha

Have a nice day!
Over Superbowl weekend one year we were at a comp and every.single.picture from one of the photographers was a "crotch shot" (sorry, no nice way to put it). We decided that he must have been trying to prove something to his buddies about why being at a cheer comp was better than at a Superbowl party. It was absolutely over the top!
these crotch shots are kinda creepy! I would be pissed , especially 65 shots and they only kept 10. I would have to speak with that photographer cuz he probably has charges. I mean come on!! Sounds like a Chester to me
was a "crotch shot" (sorry, no nice way to put it)

Ok.....YOU said it first (hahah). Yes, that is what this was. But no underware or anything else showing. She was actually more covered there than if she had been in a bathing suit.

Have a nice day!
I busted a full In a competition (first time ever throwing a full in a comp) and got a zoomed in picture of my butt in the air. It was almost as if they took it on purpose lol.
Yep when I was little I back tucked into a stunt and stood up crying. The photographer not only took one pic but FIVE!!! My mom was so mad. Like why would you take a picture of a girl crying.
Why can I see this being true? Makes me mad to even think they might think like that.

And the fact that some competitions won't allow one to bring his/her own camera makes it worse that the photogs probably do have these contests.
Last year, I busted completely on my face at competition. So badly that the doctors said I should have been paralyzed. Because I was in shock, I had no clue how badly hurt I was and I completed the routine with a broken hand, broken nose, concussion, etc. The photographer followed me throughout the rest of the routine. Basically every picture from then on includes my crying, bleeding face. Even the pyramid pictures. I look at them and laugh now; but I'm still kind of upset that they thought it was inappropriate to take so many pictures of the crying girl.
Last year, I busted completely on my face at competition. So badly that the doctors said I should have been paralyzed. Because I was in shock, I had no clue how badly hurt I was and I completed the routine with a broken hand, broken nose, concussion, etc. The photographer followed me throughout the rest of the routine. Basically every picture from then on includes my crying, bleeding face. Even the pyramid pictures. I look at them and laugh now; but I'm still kind of upset that they thought it was inappropriate to take so many pictures of the crying girl.
Brb I'm gonna go sue that soul less idiot

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