I AGREE !!!!!
i mean they looked great! but they do straight up stunt. (not trying to bash them whatsoever!)
i just think i'd personally rather see a team that put up legit level five stunts earn the bid.
this isnt just for allstar athletics either, i've seen multiple teams go straight up and earn a bid.
Hello All: GLCC has been a good event so far. Just wanted to check in and give some perspective. We appreciate the attention :) Especially from, Flyer Mom which looks like a local fan from our neighbor gym 3 miles away. I would have hoped you would have wanted another local team in Orlando to help cheer you guys on.
To make a note about the strait up stunts, it is good to have high to high tick tocks and one and a half ups, which is what we are working on for sure, but what our coaches have done is read the scoring ruberic for jamfest and put together our difficulty to work off of the score sheet to do what is best for this event. At this event, Our stunt difficulty is a 9.8, our load in transitions and dismount difficulty is a 9.5 and overall stunt score averaged over a 9.3. So to say we aren't putting up legit stunts is a matter of opinion and is irrelevant to us because this is not worlds, this is a jamfest event and our routine is set on that ruberic. Worlds is 6 weeks away and we will update to max out per that scoresheet between now and then, should God Willingly, we earn a bid..
Our newest incarnation of our team put together this routine in the last 2 weeks with many new members and replaced 5 girls this week from our last competition last weeked, and replaced a replacement of a replacement Thursday night due to an injury.
I think we looked great, and our overall raw score was over a 9 at jamfest which is a legitimate usasf company with a legitimate scoresheet. So to say that they are giving bids away, the weekend isn't over yet and this team can score in and above the 9 range at a Jam brands event... I think that is pretty legit. Anyway, the Small Senior division here is the most deep and 9 out of 11 have already earned bids to worlds so the scores are going to be high and tight. I just find it a little sad that my kids who have been working hard that do come on here get to see people saying what they do and don't deserve. Thats tough on a kid and not what they need to see going into day 2 of what might be our last competition of a year.
Good luck to all the rest of the teams this weekend at GLCC :)