Then they shouldn't have sections for comp updates on the website at all. It is so aggravating to go to someone's website (and yes, even a lot of Facebook pages fall into this category) and have its last updated information be from 2011. I also then think they're closed. I'm not saying they have to update it Monday morning after the competition, but for God's sake - they haven't had time in THREE YEARS to update the stupid page? It's not just competition info either. A lot of them have tryout info from 2012 still posted.
I hate to break it to these businesses, but people use the Internet long before they ever use the phone or drive somewhere. It's the cheapest and most effective marketing available. I'm not a detective, so I have no interest in spending all day scouring the Internet for information about a cheer gym. I just move on to the next one.
This is fine by me.... excpet then these same gym owners are on here crying that their small gym can't grow because all the big gyms are hogging up the customers. Um, no. You can't grow your business because you have absolutely zero marketing skills.
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